Find or Create your Dream Job in Fundraising by Focusing on Achievement

When:  Sep 10, 2024
Associated with  AFP FL, Southwest Chapter

Presented by Robyn Faucy, CEO, Results 1st

This presentation will provide actional approaches for those who are currently employed as fundraisers or searching for their next opportunity and employers to expand their fundraising career path and opportunities.

For employees:  Does it seem impossible to find a position in Fundraising that appreciates and utilizes your talents in a way that allows you to thrive while being fairly compensated?  If your answer is yes, you are not alone.

For employers:  Is finding and retaining high-achieving fundraising staff a challenge?  Of course it is! The culprits are often unclear and unrealistic expectations, ineffective performance evaluation approaches and burnout.

You will gain approaches to achieve the following:

  1. Leverage your accomplishments and talents to negotiate salary, benefits, and work/life balance.
  2. Conduct more effective interviews and/or performance reviews.


Michael's On East
1212 S. East Avenue
Sarasota, FL 34239


Kim Noyes