The AFP Aloha Chapter Professional Development Committee is pleased to offer this webinar , "Courting Gen Z: Understanding Gen Z As Donors" presented by Allison Quintanilla Plattsmier, CFRE, MBA, PhD. This webinar was originally presented live by AFP Global on April 26, 2023. As a benefit of membership, we are offering this recorded webinar, which you can view at your convenience, COMPLIMENTARY to AFP Aloha Chapter members (a $79 value)! The fee for non-members is $15.
https://www.britannica.com/ defines Generation Z, also called Gen Z, zoomers, iGeneration, centennials, post-millennials, or Homelanders, as Americans born during the late 1990s and early 2000s. Some sources give the specific year range of 1997–2012, although the years spanned are sometimes contested or debated because the generations are sometimes difficult to delineate. Generation Z is, in general, the most diverse generation to date in a variety of demographics.
This session will look at the characteristics of Gen Z as donors and what they are looking for to ensure long-term commitment to the cause and expectations of the impact of their gift.
Presenter: Allison Quintanilla Plattsmier, CFRE, MBA, PhD, has twelve years of experience in the nonprofit sector, has worked with 50+ organizations, and raised approximately $4 million. She currently runs her own nonprofit consulting firm, AQP Consulting, and is the Executive Director of Edgehill Neighborhood Partnership. She was the youngest recipient of AFP's Outstanding Young Professional in 2018 and recently completed AFP's Women's Impact Initiative Leadership Development Program. She has chaired the AFP LEAD Host Committee and serves on AFP’s Emerging Leaders Initiative Task Force where she chairs the mentor program.
This session is eligible for 1 CFRE Education Point.
This offer will be available from September 15 to October 15 only. Email admin@afphawaii.org and provide your name/organization and you will be sent instructions to access the recorded webinar for free! Non-members will additionally be provided with a link to for the $15 fee payment.