AFP Annual Fundraising Conference FLX Chapter

When:  Jun 10, 2019 from 08:00 AM to 03:30 PM (ET)
Associated with  AFP NY, Finger Lakes Chapter

Are you a fundraising professional, communications manager, executive director, or all of the above?

Then, this conference is for you!

Join the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), Finger Lakes Chapter, for our Annual Conference, June 10, 2019.


This year's conference will feature some of the best fundraisers in the business, including Chris Foley, Practice Lead from Plus Delta Partners.

Chris will facilitate a workshop and discussion aimed at helping you secure more resources for your organization. Having conducted over 4,000 individual coaching sessions, he has identified one of the best places to start to determine who is a prospect, rather than a suspect. In this interactive session, we will explore the philanthropic decision-making process, discuss common challenges, and how to fully qualify a prospective donor.

Session Descriptions:

8:00 - 8:50 AM  

8:50 AM   
Marrie Neumer, President, AFP Finger Lakes Chapter

9:00 AM
High Performance Fundraising

Chris Foley, Practice Lead at Plus Delta Partners

As a fundraiser, manager and teacher, Chris Foley has managed fundraising programs and teams with an eye towards maximizing fundraiser effectiveness to the benefit of the donor and the institution. Get a glimpse at a unique donor engagement process that creates trust- based, focused and productive philanthropic relationships with donors. Learn how to better craft communications and structure interactions with your donors.

10:15 AM

10:30 AM
Continued Keynote Session with Chris Foley

12:00 - 1:00 PM


1:00 - 1:45 PM
Build Your Prospect Pool and Establish an Effective Pipeline Strategy

Lindsay Hahnes, Manager, Individual and Planned Giving and Maura Cody, Advancement Associate of Corning Museum of Glass

In this session, learn how to create your team's strategic work-plan: incorporate research into your donor prospecting, prioritize prospect pools, and design effective stewardship opportunities.


Behind the Scenes at a Community Foundation
Randi Hewit, President, Community Foundation of Elmira-Corning and the Finger Lakes, Inc.

During this session, Randi Hewit, President of the Community Foundation of Elmira-Corning and the Finger Lakes, will describe what happens from the moment an application is submitted until an award (or denial) letter is sent. She will follow up this candid discussion of grant making with an “Ask Me Anything” style Q&A session. Attendees will be encouraged to ask questions about the funding community without fear!

Social Media as a Fundraising Tool
Marianne Pelletier, Managing Director of Staupell Analytics Group

Donors increasingly expect online access to both information from and giving to their favorite charities. Join Marianne Pelletier to see all the options for social media presence for your organization, along with how to efficiency push your messaging and keep an eye on results in a comprehensive way.

2:50 - 3:25 PM
Catapult Your Organization's Capacity - Make a difference where it matters
Michelle Courtney Berry, Founder and CEO of Courtney Consulting Enterprises, LLC and the Founding Director of America Rises, Inc.

Walk the talk of diversity, equity, and inclusion: how can we build communities, where everyone is able to thrive?  In communities that are both global and yet more fractured than ever, how can we, in the mission-driven sector, intentionally model and build within our own structures what we seek to foster in our broader communities?  Michelle will share her perspective and set of tools to help evaluate your organization and to implement actionable practices with your constituents.

3:25 - 3:30 PM
Closing Remarks

End of conference! 
Carry forth, as you advance the field of fundraising, the mission of your organizations and the good of your communities!

4 PM
Optional (advanced registration required)

The Corning Museum offers attendees of the AFP FLX conference a free museum tour with registration. 

The tour will be offered at 4pm. Tours will take you through the Museum’s collections, and will include a Live Hot Glass Demo, which is a great way to see how glass is made by amazing artists every day. 

Breakfast and lunch are included.

June 10, 2019
Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, NY

Early Bird Registration (thru May 10)
AFP Member-$75

Registration after May 10
AFP Members-$95

To register, click below:




Corning Museum of Glass
1 Museum Way
Corning, NY 14830
Event Image


Amy LeViere