Hampton Roads Gift Planning Council Meeting
Date: Thursday, September 12, 2024
Place: Slover Library, 235 E. Plume Street, 6th floor
Time: 3:30 pm Appetizers, Drinks, and Networking followed by the program from 4-5pm
Cost: free to current AFP Hampton Roads Chapter members only
RSVP: August 27th
Topic: How to Ask for an Estate Gift Without Fear or Anxiety: The Science and the Sentences to Use
Guest Speaker: Russell James, J.D., Ph.D., CFP-Professor of Charitable Financial Planning at Texas Tech University (presenting virtually)
Join members of the Hampton Roads Gift Planning Council and Hampton Roads Estate Planning Council at the Slover Library on September 12 for a virtual presentation by one of the most important and influential academic researchers on the topics of major and planned giving: Russell James, J.D., PhD, CFP. A professor at Texas Tech University and an esteemed academic researcher and author, Dr. James is the chair of the Department of Personal Financial Planning and has published research in more than 75 peer-reviewed scientific and law review articles.
The idea of legacy gift fundraising makes sense. But it feels a little uncomfortable, right? So how do we actually DO this? What, specifically, do we say? In this session Professor James reviews, step-by-step, the most effective ways to ask for an estate gift for your nonprofit. Connecting experimental research and academic theory with dozens of simple, practical examples, this presentation gives you both the “Why” and the “How” of the words and phrases you will want to use.
If you have a membership in more than one of these organizations (HR Gift Planning Council, AFP Hampton Roads or HR Estate Planning Council), please only register with one organization. We look forward to seeing you in September!
This event is free and only open to current AFP- Hampton Roads chapter members. If you are not a member or need to renew, please do so before registration.
Thank you to our host 
Special Partner Sponsors:
Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Hampton Roads Chapter and
Hampton Roads Estate Planning Council
RSVP by August 27, 2024