

The Coastal Georgia Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP Coastal GA) offers members the opportunity to connect with their non-profit colleagues, engage in creative thinking, learn about best practices, network with new friends, and achieve great results in their work.

We focus on delivering innovative educational programs and events to help you reach your goals. AFP Coastal GA is your link to professional networking luncheons; roundtable sessions; programs for advanced executives, mid-career professionals, and those new to the field.

We also offer opportunities for socializing with other industry professionals, volunteering, and sponsor special events like National Philanthropy Day, plus so much more.

Help make AFP Coastal GA work for you! Contact us at afpcga@gmail.com to learn more and get involved!

Please check out our programs, volunteer opportunities, and get to know the Chapter leadership team. If you're not a member, join today and be connected!


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    Succession Plan

    Hello fellow AFP members. Looking for a straight-forward succession plan that I can share with the ...


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