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Welcome to AFP Memphis 

The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) is the professional association of individuals responsible for generating philanthropic support for a wide variety of nonprofit, charitable organizations. Founded in 1960, AFP advances philanthropy through its more than 30,000 members in 227 chapters throughout the world. 

The Memphis Chapter was founded in 1985 and currently represents over 150 members.

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  • AFP Memphis Mentorship Program - Applications now open!

    Announcing the AFP Memphis Mentorship Program! As a part of our dedication to professional development and education, AFP Memphis is offering a new program for 1:1 support. Emerging leaders will be partnered with seasoned professionals to hone their fundraising skills during 1:1 meetings between September and January. The application links for mentees and mentors are below. The application deadline is August 15. Contact Mentorship Chair, Jennie Dickerson, at jennie.dickerson@cfgm.org if you have any questions.

    Mentee Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdsoQkI6QkaZq8zfT7sxy300GiKpuHkmxpjtq3OXm2c8-8mHQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

    Mentor Application: https://forms.gle/b6po6eb2zKkJbnD67

  • Call for 2024 Fundraising Conference Speakers

    Do you have an area of expertise to share with your fellow fundraisers? AFP Memphis is seeking speakers and workshop leaders for our 2024 Fundraising Conference.

    2024 AFP Memphis Fundraising Conference
    Monday, August 19, 2024
    8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
    Children's Museum of Memphis

    This full-day conference will focus on topics to guide and motivate nonprofit fundraisers in their important work on behalf of our community. We are looking for sessions that fit the PASSION theme (Purpose, Attitude, Service, Stewardship, Inclusion, Ownership of Commitment, and Never Giving Up). This is an excellent opportunity to tune up your presentation for AFP ICON or test content on a wider audience (about 150 attendees expected).

    Submit a proposal by June 1. Speakers will be announced July 1. The selection committee will make every effort to provide feedback on submitted proposals.

    Questions? Conference Chair Su Hartline, su.hartline@gmail.com

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