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Welcome to AFP Memphis 

The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) is the professional association of individuals responsible for generating philanthropic support for a wide variety of nonprofit, charitable organizations. Founded in 1960, AFP advances philanthropy through its more than 30,000 members in 227 chapters throughout the world. 

The Memphis Chapter was founded in 1985 and currently represents over 150 members.

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  • Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access Scholarship Now Open

    Apply for a FREE AFP Membership by May 31, 2024!

    AFP Memphis invites you to apply for a 2024 Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA) Scholarship. Applications are due May 31, 2024.

    We recognize that IDEA principles are central to our mission and expect all organizational interactions to reflect IDEA principles, including a demonstrated appreciation for different voices, active listening, openness to disparate viewpoints and opinions, and facilitating dialogues among diverse groups.

    Through an annual scholarship program, the AFP Memphis Chapter will cover the full cost of a year’s membership, including chapter dues. We are committed to promoting an inclusive, diverse, equitable, and accessible organization where every member, volunteer, staff, and board member can realize their potential and have their contributions valued.

    The recipient will be selected based on the following criteria:

    • The candidate must represent one or more IDEA constituencies. AFP defines diversity as a core value. It is an inclusive concept encompassing - without limitation - race, color, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation or identity, religion, nationality, age, economic class, educational level, language, physical, mobility and ability, geography, and marital and parental status. AFP’s diverse communities include African-American/Black, Asian, People with Disabilities, Faith-Based, LGBTQ, Hispanic, Jewish, Rural, or other underrepresented communities.
    • The candidate must subscribe to the AFP Code of Ethical Principles and Standards and its bylaws, and promote the Donor Bill of Rights.
    • The candidate is employed or has been employed by an organization that provides benefits to society.
    • The candidate must be a new member to AFP.
    • The scholarship recipient agrees to actively serve and volunteer on an AFP Memphis committee.

    Please email our Scholarship Chair, Brady Tanner, at bradytanner@gmail.com with questions.

  • Membership Scholarship Application Now Open

    Apply for a FREE AFP Membership by May 31, 2024!

    AFP Memphis invites you to apply for a 2024 Membership Scholarship. Applications are due May 31, 2024. This scholarship is designed to help individuals serving nonprofit organizations develop their knowledge and skills in fundraising.

    The recipient will be selected based on the following criteria:

    • The candidate is employed as a fundraising professional with a substantial amount of their time devoted to fundraising.
    • The candidate has NOT been a previous member of our AFP Memphis Chapter.
    • The candidate must subscribe to the AFP Code of Ethical Principles and Standards and its bylaws and promote the Donor Bill of Rights.
    • The scholarship recipient agrees to actively serve and volunteer on an AFP Memphis committee.

    Please email our Scholarship Chair, Brady Tanner, at bradytanner@gmail.com with questions.

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