Guides & Resources

AFP offers several publications, tools, and resources to help fundraising professionals.

Guides and Resources to support every fundraising need

Need some specific information about fundraising, like how to set up a major gift program or work more effectively with your board? Or maybe you just want to learn about the latest trends? AFP’s Guides & Resources have you covered. 


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Featured Resource: 7 Website Statistics to Guide Your Next Refresh or Upgrade

The top nonprofit websites take user experience (UX) best practices into consideration to create a better visitor experience through an iterative process. With this in mind, we’ve compiled some illuminating statistics to guide your website refresh strategy.

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315 results, showing results 161 to 170.
Career stage
26 Mar 2019
CBW Presentation CBW Vernetta Walker Presentation Vernetta Walker Handout CBW Attendee Roster Key Contacts at AFP Log In Cheat Sheet Membership Categories
26 Mar 2019
Like Size Group 1 Agenda Like Size Group 2 Agenda Like Size Group 3 Agenda Like Size Group 4 Agenda Like Size Group 5 Agenda List of like-size chapter groupings
20 Mar 2019
Change is the only constant. The nonprofit world seems to be in a hesitant state of maintenance, a vast veil of denial that holds it back from true progress. We seem to be an industry steeped and mired in tradition, often for no other reason than "we've always done it that way". As a change agent in...
Resource Fundraising Basics Your Fundraising Career
13 Mar 2019
Your next fundraising event presents the perfect opportunity to meet new potential donors, reconnect with your most dedicated supporters, and remind everyone of the great work that your organization does in your community. Face-to-face interactions at an in-person event are a great way to strengthen...
Resource Donor Relations/Stewardship Prospect Research Special Events
04 Mar 2019
It’s official – there are five generations in the workforce. Dane Shumak explores intergenerational management strategies you can apply to be an effective leader, effective employee, and effective fundraiser.
Resource Donor Relations/Stewardship Benchmarks Boards and Volunteers Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA) International Trends and Resources Research Reports Your Fundraising Career
28 Feb 2019
Claire Axelrad offers a deep dive into how donor advised funds (DAF) work, who DAF donors are, and how to attract and leverage DAF giving.
Resource Research Reports Case for Support Major Gifts Donor Relations/Stewardship
26 Feb 2019
With donor retention and volunteerism rates falling, Michael Rosen, CFRE and Mark Chilutti, CFRE, ask what are you doing to show donors your love?
Resource Donor Relations/Stewardship Fundraising Basics Prospect Research
22 Feb 2019
It is the purpose of this Statement of Ethical Principles to foster the growth of a worldwide fundraising community dedicated to accountability, transparency and effectiveness.
Resource Ethics
21 Feb 2019
Tim Sarrantonio reflects on what it was like to present the material in the Donor Retention Workshop, what attendees learned, and why chapters should offer the course. A longer read, but well worth it!
Resource Donor Relations/Stewardship Benchmarks Prospect Research
20 Feb 2019
At some point in your fundraising career, you’re going to have to bite the bullet, and say the not-so-magic word: No. There’s a right and a wrong way to say no to a big donor. Emma Lewzey discusses four steps to follow so you can say no in the best possible way to your donor.
Resource Your Fundraising Career Prospect Research Fundraising Basics Consultants and Consulting Donor Relations/Stewardship
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