Be the Cause Campaign


The Association of Fundraising Professionals' BE the CAUSE Campaign is a fundraising campaign that benefits the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy. 

When you support AFP through the BE the CAUSE Campaign, you are investing in our profession’s future and advancing philanthropy.

Your investment in the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy will help support local, national, and international programs such as:

  • Diversity & Inclusion which is a pillar of the AFP Strategic Plan, to provide scholarships for fundraisers who identify with under-represented populations;
  • Professional Development through grants to provide fundraisers and nonprofit leaders with education, training, and leadership development opportunities;
  • Research that increases knowledge of fundraising, philanthropy, and social innovation.

Our local chapter has an opportunity to receive a grant a percent of the amount we raise in 2023. Those dollars help our chapter to produce a variety of programs that support our members and friends.

Click here for a BE the CAUSE Pledge Form or make your gift online