Friday, November 8, 2024
11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Westin Virginia Beach - Town Center
Registration Has Closed
Seating will be limited so please register by Oct 24th
AFP-HR Member $55.00
General Admission $85
The Association of Fundraising Professionals - Hampton Roads Chapter (AFP-HR) is the region’s professional organization specifically supporting fundraisers and their work in philanthropy. AFP-HR has over 150 members and hosts monthly educational luncheons for its members and an annual Fundraising Leadership Symposium for all of Hampton Roads. We are proud of the work our chapter is doing in our community to support philanthropy and the fundraising professionals who make it possible.
Our signature event, National Philanthropy Day, is our chapter's observance of AFP Global’s annual celebration of philanthropy–giving, volunteering and charitable engagement—that highlights the accomplishments of this region’s philanthropic community. The celebration is the signature event saluting the impact of philanthropy in Hampton Roads. Event attendees are the decision-makers and difference-makers who make our community a better place to live, volunteer, and donate.
Proceeds from National Philanthropy Day help AFP Hampton Roads provide quality programming for our members, scholarships for professional development opportunities for local fundraisers, and networking opportunities and resources to equip members for success in supporting philanthropy.
Please join us as we celebrate philanthropy and the spirit of giving in Hampton Roads and as we recognize the
2024 National Philanthropy Day honorees:
Outstanding Fundraising Volunteer
Allison Stanton McDuffie
Outstanding Philanthropist - Corporation
Checkered Flag
Outstanding Philanthropist - Individual
Kay Abiouness
Outstanding Nonprofit in Fundraising
The Hermitage Museum and Gardens
Outstanding Nonprofit Leader
Alonzo Brandon
Outstanding Fundraising Professional
Wendy McGrady
Registration Has Closed
Seating will be limited so please register by Oct 24th
AFP-HR Member $55.00
General Admission $85
Sponsorships are available. Click below for more information:
Sponsorships Available
Sponsorship Commitment Form
Sponsorship Online Payment Option
If you have any questions, please contact JP Paul or Hilary Fulp, 2024 National Philanthropy Day co-Chairs, at npd.afphr@gmail.com
Thank you to our Sponsors
Presenting Sponsor:

VIP Sponsor:
Benefactor Sponsors:
Supporting Sponsors:
Event Sponsors:
Abiouness Friends
ACCESS College Foundation
Beth Sholom Village
Birdsong Peanuts
Cary Street Partners
Checkered Flag
Clearstead Advisory Solutions
Crab Creek Crew
Dollar Bank
Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia and the Eastern Shore
Franklin Group
Hampton Roads Community Foundation
Hermitage Museum & Gardens
Lake Taylor Transitional Care Hospital Foundation
Lynnhaven River NOW
Norfolk Academy
Stanton Partners
The Up Center
Tidewater Community College
Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Museum
Virginia Fundraising Consultants
Virginia Zoo
WHRO Public Media
Contributing Sponsors:
Bay Diesel Solutions
Boys & Girls Clubs of Southeaster Virginia
Chesapeake Bay Academy
Dozeretz Hospice House of Hampton Roads
Hampton Roads Gift Council
Nansemond-Suffolk Academy
PB&J marComm
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Norfolk
Tidewater Jewish Foundation
United Jewish Federation of Tidewater
Virginia Beach SPCA
Friends of AFP Hampton Roads:
Kenda Council
Eggleston Service
Joy A. Eyrolles, CFRE
Karen & Matthew Fine
Hilary Fulp
Melissa Hlinovsky
Ashley Greene
JP Paul
Emily Peck
Amy Weinstein, CFRE
Kate Wilson, CFRE