When I was at a larger organization, requests were based on prospect stage, not capacity. I could request a full profile at any time but generally would request a basic, short bullet profile for a suspect/qualification lead. After initial contact and the prospect qualified, I would request a more comprehensive profile. I would argue that even prospects in the Annual fund need comprehensive profiles. The information benefits relationship building and strategy for moving prospects along a continuum from AG to MG to PG. That said, research requests could take 2 weeks because the team in research was limited and servicing so many development officers. I would often do my own research to get it done quicker. If this is the case (balancing workload for research team), then perhaps host some in-service to train DOD's to conduct basic research on their own (covering available resources and how to navigate, how to stay out of the rabbit hole) and then your team can focus on Analytics and Modeling and not Edgar.
Keri Eisenberg
Chief Development Officer
Original Message:
Sent: 09-15-2024 08:37 PM
From: Ashley Uehlinger
Subject: Prospect research deliverables at major vs principal gifts
I'm looking for advice on how other organizations handle research requests for prospects at different giving levels.
Our principal fundraisers typically get fully built out profiles while major gifts will get a bullet point outline of their capacity, affinity and access.
Some of our MGOs aren't too happy with not receiving the same profile the principal gift officers receive. I'm curious on what other organizations do.
What do your researchers provide at what levels?
Ashley Holder
Director of Development Services
Boy Scouts of America
Irving, TX