12:00-1:00 PM EasternEligible for 1 CFRE Education Point
Join Anna Barber (president, Barber & Associates, LLC) and Hali Lee (founding partner, Radiant Strategies) in conversation as they talk about their work building community with high net wealth donors of color in the U.S.Hali was the lead researcher / author of Philanthropy Always Sounds Like Someone Else: A Portrait of High Net Worth Donors of Color. She will share major findings and themes from that first-of-its-kind research and paper.Anna was a senior major gifts officer for the Smithsonian Institution’s Central Office during its $1.2B comprehensive campaign, which included the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC). Barber raised over $42M for NMAAHC, including 22 gifts of $1M+, 19 of which came from first-time donors of the Smithsonian, and 17 of which were African American.
This conversation will be moderated by Letarik Amare (founding partner, Radiant Strategies) and introduced by Juliana Weissbein, CFRE (Associate Director of Development Operations, Planned Parenthood Federation of America and AFP-Global Board Member).
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