Latest AFP Global News & Research

AFP keeps you in touch with what’s happening in fundraising and philanthropy, as well as highlighting the latest reports and research to enhance your success and advance your career!

AFP News & Press Releases

  • AFP Member Spotlights are a recurring series of interviews with AFP members, highlighting the unique individuals and career paths that exist within the fundraising profession. If you know an inspiring fundraising professional who deserves to be featured, please email this member spotlight we interviewed Nikkia Johnson, senior development officer at Legal Aid Justice Center. We discussed how her organization is making their events more inclusive, as well as her experiences...
  • We are taking over Mike’s Monday Message today with some exciting news! AFP has launched a new podcast — Rising Voices of Fundraising: The AFP Emerging Leaders Podcast.For awhile now, the AFP Emerging Leaders Committee has been talking about how a podcast would be a great free resource for emerging leaders (defined as those who have been in the profession 10 years or less). We know early career professionals can’t always afford to attend the large conferences like AFP LEAD or ICON, so the more cost...
  • ¡Tomamos hoy el Espacio del Mensaje Semanal de Mike con emocionantes noticias! AFP ha lanzado un nuevo podcast — Voces Emergentes en Procuración de Fondos; El Podcast de AFP para Nuev@s Líderes.Desde hace un tiempo, el Comité de Líderes Emergentes de AFP ha estado hablando de cómo un podcast sería un gran recurso gratuito para los líderes emergentes (definidos como aquellos que han estado en la profesión 10 años o menos). Sabemos que los profesionales que inician su carrera no siempre pueden permitirse...
  • AFP Member Spotlights are a recurring series of interviews with AFP members, highlighting the unique individuals and career paths that exist within the fundraising profession. If you know an inspiring fundraising professional who deserves to be featured, please email this member spotlight, Moustafa Elsayed, CCIM, CSM, president & chief strategy officer at Corporate Commercial Real Estate Councelors shares with us how he wants to help fellow members set their organization...
  • AFP Member Spotlights are a recurring series of interviews with AFP members, highlighting the unique individuals and career paths that exist within the fundraising profession. If you know an inspiring fundraising professional who deserves to be featured, please email this AFP member spotlight, CF Callihan, M.A. shares how the support network that he formed through AFP has been there to cheer him on as he builds his own consultancy.
  • Last week, eight members of AFP’s board of directors and volunteer leaders from AFP’s Government Relations Committee and PAC Board visited Capitol Hill to promote the Charitable Act, legislation that will incentivize charitable giving. They met with 10 Senate offices and four House offices - from both parties. The meetings included Senate Finance Committee Democrats and Republicans staff, Senate Leadership of both parties (Senator Schumer (D-NY), Senator John Thune (R-SD), and Senator John Cornyn...

AFP Research & Reports

  • According to the 2024 Compensation and Benefits Report, the average fundraising salary in the U.S. saw a modest increase of 0.8% in 2023, rising from $95,841 to $96,621. This figure pales in comparison to the robust 6.7% increase seen in 2022, reflecting a slow growth trend that fails to keep pace with the 3% inflation rate over the same period. Members: Download The 2024 AFP Compensation and Benefits Report
  • It’s no secret that community support allows your nonprofit to thrive. If your organization engages its supporters effectively, they’ll provide reliable funding and help further your mission for years to come. More than that, they’ll feel like part of a movement to create lasting, positive change where they live.One often overlooked tool for community-building is your nonprofit’s brand. Although you aren’t selling a product or service to customers—the main purpose of for-profit companies’ brands...
  • Capital campaigns are the ultimate opportunity to engage your most essential supporters and deepen their connections to your mission.Let’s say you’re heading into a major campaign. You’ll assess your board’s risk tolerance, establish your initial plans, conduct fresh screening and qualification exercises, and tighten up your prospect portfolios. Once your campaign is underway, you’ll get in touch with these prospects to explain your objective and ask them for gifts.But think beyond the ask—if a...
  • As a fundraising professional, you know the importance of effectively engaging with major donors. You also know that the future of fundraising depends on adjusting to changes in the pool of major donors, especially as we see new types of donors emerge, and/or as major donors use new approaches. We invite you to participate in an essential study designed to help fundraising professionals embrace this opportunity to adapt their practices.This research is a partnership between the GivingUSA Foundation...
  • Chances are you’re already sending out some type of donor survey each year. The good news about surveys? They’re cheap and easy. The bad news? They’re cheap and easy. Yes, surveys can turn your fundraising strategy into a fine-tuned, sophisticated engine of revenue. But surveys are also laden with potential pitfalls, making it easy to never accomplish your goals. So before you whip up your next donor survey, let’s take a look at 6 principles to set you up for success and learn as much as possible...
  • Welcome to the FEP Reports Library and thank you for supporting the Fundraising Effectiveness Project. Below you will find a list of quarterly and annual reports on the growth and trends of philanthropy in North America from 2012. We hope that this industry data helps you and your organization to make better-informed, growth-oriented budget decisions to boost donor revenue. If you have any questions, please contact The Fundraising Effectiveness Project at Reports2023Q4Q3Q12022Q4Q3Q2Q12021Q4Q3Q2Q12020Q4Q3Q2Q1Annual...