Our Events

Upcoming Events

February Mixer

Networking with Heart

Thursday, February 13, 2025

8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Joebella Coffee Roasters, Higuera Street, San Luis Obispo

Join us for a brew-tiful start to your day at our Valentine’s-themed morning coffee mixer! Let’s espresso some heartfelt connections over great coffee, warm conversations, and professional networking.

Enjoy complimentary coffee and pastries while supplies last, with additional goodies available for purchase. Whether you’re looking to stir up new ideas, connect with like-minded professionals, or share your latte love of networking, this event is sure to spark meaningful connections.

Register here

Past Events

January Program

Engaging Your Board in the New Year

Thursday, January 9, 2025

11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.


Start the year inspired about how best to work with your board to achieve your fundraising goals including engagement, expectations and how to equip them to be successful.  Come prepared to share your biggest challenges and leave with ideas to overcome them.  

Register here 

December Program

The Art of Gathering: Building Community & Creating Meaningful Experiences by Amber Karson

Thursday, December 12, 2024

11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Region Event Center

Join us for an insightful session with Amber Karson, a seasoned expert in hospitality, event planning, and relationship building, as she shares her unique perspective on creating memorable and impactful experiences for donors and the community. Drawing from her extensive experience executing large-scale events and intimate gatherings alike, Amber will explore the art of hosting with mindfulness and purpose.

Register here 

National Philanthropy Day

National Philanthropy Day Celebration
Thursday, November 14, 2024
11:30 am - 1:30 pm
Learn more on the NPD page

October Program

How To Be A Game-Changing Badass by Monica Grant

Thursday, October 10, 2024

11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.


Many of us aspire to be dynamic change agents in our work (and lives). But, the percentage of leaders and organizations who rate well in strategy and execution of strategy is incredibly low. In this engaging, fun, and thought-provoking session, you will explore successful pathways to transformational change.

In this session, participants will learn about:

  • The tangible importance and implications of a strategic approach
  • The characteristics of a strategic person / organization
  • Obstacles that hinder strategic work
  • A digestible process for achieving successful strategic change
  • The role of fundraisers in organizational strategy
  • A roadmap for fostering strategic change in work (and life)

Participants will leave with:

  • An improved assessment of themselves and their organizations with regards to strengths/opportunities for becoming more strategic
  • A pathway to begin and support your journey as a game-changing leader

Register here 

September Mixer

Movie Night: Uncharitable Screening

Monday, September 16, 2024

7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Palm Theater

817 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

What if charity could be transformed from a gesture to an answer--to solving the world's greatest problems? What if everything we've been taught about charitable giving is wrong? What if it's undermining the very causes, we love the most? Uncharitable is a one-of-a-kind movie that shows how our charitable traditions and prejudices have suffocated the charitable sector and prevented it from leading the charge to truly change the world. Based on the book, "Uncharitable," by Dan Pallotta, which became one of the most talked-about TED talks of all time--changing everything from charity watchdog standards to the giving practices of America's biggest foundations.

All proceeds from the screening benefit the Association of Fundraising Professionals SLO County Chapter. 

Watch the Uncharitable trailer here

Register here

August Program

Success in Q4: Planning Effective Giving Tuesday and Year-End Campaigns

Thursday, August 8th, 2024

11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Nativity of Our Lady Catholic Church Fellowship Hall

Join us for an insightful panel discussion on preparing for Q4 with a focus on Giving Tuesday and End-of-Year (EOY) Giving Campaigns. Lunch will be provided by Aloha Catering. During this event, you will gain valuable insights and strategies to maximize your fundraising efforts during the crucial fourth quarter. Learn from experts about planning and executing successful Giving Tuesday initiatives and EOY campaigns that can significantly boost your organization's donations.
Our esteemed panelists include:
  • Emily L'Heureux, Chief Executive Officer at Woods Humane Society
  • Jenny Meyers, Director of Philanthropy, Operations and Communications at French Hospital Medical Center Foundation 
  • Michael Kaplan, Community Engagement Director at Transitions-Mental Health Associatio

Register here 

June Networking Mixer

June Networking Mixer

Thursday, June 13th, 2024

4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

15 Degrees C Wine Bar & Restaurant

3590 Broad Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

Join us for the AFP SLO County Chapter June Mixer on Thursday, June 13, from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. at 15 Degrees C Wine Bar & Restaurant, an inviting venue offering a delightful selection of local and global wines paired with small plates and pizza.
Admission to the event is free, providing you with the perfect opportunity to connect and network with fellow fundraising professionals in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere.
While attendance is complimentary, wine and food will be available for purchase, allowing you to indulge in delicious offerings as you step into summer and engage in meaningful conversations with peers from the nonprofit sector.
Don't miss out on this chance to mingle, unwind, and foster valuable connections within the fundraising community. We look forward to seeing you there!

Register here

May Program

Empowering Fundraising Professionals: Mastering Legacy Planning for Financial Security and Philanthropy

Thursday, May 9th, 2024

11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Region Event Center

858 Monterey St.

San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

Calling all fundraising professionals! Join the AFP SLO County Chapter for an exclusive workshop designed to elevate your expertise in legacy planning. Hosted at the Region Event Center in San Luis Obispo, this month's program features insights from industry leaders Allie Burnett, Senior Director of Gift Planning at Cal Poly, and Brynne Speizer, CFP®, Vice President at EP Wealth Advisors (formerly Wacker Wealth Partners).

Discover essential strategies for estate planning, wealth preservation, and maximizing charitable giving impact. Gain practical knowledge on wills, trusts, tax considerations, and innovative approaches to integrating philanthropy into estate plans. We will clarify the differences and appropriate strategies for two popular vehicles: Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) and qualified charitable distributions (QCDs). Learn how to effectively communicate estate planning benefits to donors and navigate complex financial landscapes with confidence.

Whether you're a seasoned fundraising professional or new to the field, this workshop provides invaluable tools to enhance your donor relationships, secure major gifts, and advance your organization's mission. Don't miss this opportunity to sharpen your skills and unlock new opportunities for financial security and philanthropic excellence.

Register here

April Mixer

Brewing Connections

Thursday, April 11, 2024

8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. 

Lucy's Coffee Co.

1279 Laurel Lane

San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

Make a detour on your morning commute to Lucy's Coffee Company and join the AFP SLO County Chapter for a cup of coffee and a pastry while brewing up some new connections!

We look forward to welcoming you on Thursday, April 11, from 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. All are welcome to attend, and we truly appreciate you spreading the word!

A special thanks to Lucy's Coffee Company for their generous sponsorship of this month's mixer. Your support is greatly appreciated!

Register here

March Program

AI in Fundraising 101

Thursday, March 14, 2024

11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.


1030 Southwood Dr.

San Luis Obispo, CA 93406

Join us for an exciting event, AI in Fundraising 101, where we'll explore the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on fundraising. Discover how AI can revolutionize your fundraising efforts and help you achieve remarkable results.

Register here

February Mixer

Share the Love: AFP SLO County February Networking Mixer

Thursday, February 8, 2024

3:30-5:30 pm

KROBĀR Craft Distillery

1701 Monterey Street

San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

Join us for a heartwarming afternoon of connection, collaboration, and community building, bringing together nonprofit leaders in San Luis Obispo County. In the spirit of Valentine's Day, we invite you to share your love for philanthropy in a fun and welcoming environment. Bring not just your passion for philanthropy but also a friend or colleague to celebrate the important work we do as an organization. All are welcome!

Our deepest gratitude to KROBĀR Craft Distillery at The Hub for generously sponsoring this month's social event.

January Program

Philanthropy in 2024 and Beyond

with Becky Gray, Executive Director of Must! Charities

Thursday, January 11, 2024

12:00-1:30 pm


1030 Southwood Dr. 

San Luis Obispo

As the for-profit business world is propelling forward and ever-changing at a rapid pace, how do we shift the model of philanthropy to keep up, and how do we create greater impact and change for our ever-changing community needs?

December Program

Managing Yourself to Lead Others

with Wes Love, Co-Founder CultureStoke

Thursday, December 14, 2023

12:00-1:30 pm

Region Event Center

858 Monterey St.

San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

"There is no such thing as work-life balance – it is all life. The balance has to be within you.” Sadhguru

If you struggle with stress, anxiety, burnout, overload – you are not alone. A simple Google search will show you that many people struggle with feeling burned out, stressed out and anxious about life in general, and work in particular. With that in mind, let's discuss the importance of work-life harmony, how you can accomplish it and what are some of the best practices out there to make life a little more enriching and work a lot more meaningful.

Register Here

National Philanthropy Day Celebration Luncheon

National Philanthropy Day Celebration Luncheon

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

11:30 am 

La Lomita Ranch 


Celebrating the collective work non-profits do for and within the San Luis Obispo County Community 

Learn more here

October Program

Save-the-Date for our October Program!

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Topic, speaker, and venue to be announced soon.

September Program

Save-the-Date for our September Program!

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Topic, speaker, and venue to be announced soon.

Networking with a Purpose Mixer

Networking with a Purpose Mixer & Headshot

Friday, August 11, 2023

3:00-5:00 pm

Cal Poly’s Justin and J. Lohr Center for Wine and Viticulture

Still using an outdated headshot from 10 years ago?  Changed your look and ready for a Zoom photo to match the new you?  Join AFP for our Networking with a Purpose Mixer & Headshot at Cal Poly’s Justin and J. Lohr Center for Wine and Viticulture.

Come dressed to impress and ready to strike your best “confident, professional and ready to raise millions” pose.  Mixer and headshots are FREE.  Tours of the state-of-the-art facility will be provided, including the fermentation hall, bottling room, barrel rooms and research labs.  Cal Poly student produced wine and light hors d’oeuvres will be provided.   

Please RSVP to the event so we have a head count for the event.  

Leveraging Peer-to-Peer Fundraising to Create a Movement for Your Organization

Leveraging Peer-to-Peer Fundraising to Create a Movement for Your Organization

with Kaylin Downour, Executive Director, Denver, American Heart Association

Thursday, June 8, 2023 

12:00-1:00 pm

Virtual Program on Zoom

As non-profit professionals we’re faced with questions by potential donors every day. Are those funds really staying local? How much is used for “overhead” vs. programs? Is it really necessary to <<fill in the blank>>? It is our job to paint a compelling vision so that donors are moved to invest in our mission. Join us for a look at how peer-to-peer fundraising can amplify your organization’s good work. We’ll cover some of the key elements that have made some of the largest campaigns in the US successful and also identify things to consider within your own organization.

“Firing Up” Your Major Gifts Program

How to Light a Fire (Without Burning Your Eyebrows): “Firing Up” Your Major Gifts Program

with Monica Grant, CFRE, Chief Resource Development Officer for the Channel Islands YMCA

Thursday, May 11, 2023

12:00-1:30 pm

People’s Self Help Housing

1060 Kendall Rd

San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

Join AFP San Luis Obispo County Chapter for our first in-person lunch program in three years! We will meet in the conference room at People's Self-Help Housing's new building and enjoy boxed lunches prepared by Cuesta College's Advanced Culinary Class.
Registration $35
Discounted tickets for AFP SLO County members with code: $25
Includes lunch
Seating is LIMITED to 38 attendees, don't wait to purchase a ticket!
Register Here

During challenging times and a dampened economy, the viability of creating and sustaining momentum can seem daunting.  Yet the need for such organizational kinetics remains critical, especially in regards to our fundraising programs.  This session takes the premise that organizations who focus on “raising money” ultimately fail, whereas organizations who focus on engagement at all levels:  staff, volunteers and the community, succeed in building sustainable organizations.  This session is geared for staff and volunteers in all roles.   

How to Fix Your Productivity to Amp Up Your Results

How to Fix Your Productivity to Amp Up Your Results 

with Chad Barger

April 14, 2023
12:00 - 1:00 PM
Registration $15
FREE for AFP SLO County Chapter Members with discount code
Register Here
Join master trainer, Chad Barger, for a fast-paced session filled with tips (hacks) for busy professionals to get more done, by working smarter, not harder. This presentation focuses not on what we do, but how we do it. Tips are provided to help professionals better manage email, meetings, their energy level, distractions, self care, to do lists and work life balance (but we prefer the term work life harmony). Attendees leave the session with practical tips that they can immediately implement to make their days more productive and therefore amp up their results.

Networking with a Purpose Mixer

Networking with a Purpose Mixer

March 9, 2023

4:00 - 6:00 PM

Wood's Humane Society

FREE Registration

The AFP SLO County Chapter is hosting our first-ever Networking with a Purpose Mixer!

Please join us for our monthly program in a new format on Thursday, March 9, at 4 p.m. at our featured nonprofit Wood's Humane Society.

We'll mix and mingle, wag and wiggle, and get to know fellow fundraising professionals in the community.

This special event is FREE to attend, and all members are encouraged to bring a non-member as we are seeking to ADOPT new members!

A special thank you to Wood's Humane Society for hosting us.

Please bring your business card, so you can be entered to win a door prize.

We hope to see you there!

2023: The Year to Test Your Resilience, Run Wild and Raise Funds

2023: The Year to Test Your Resilience, Run Wild and Raise Funds

February 9, 2023
12:00 - 1:00 PM
Registration $15
FREE for AFP SLO County Chapter Members with discount code
Register Here

Jean Steel
Motivational speaker, Jean Steel, President of Happy People Win, has rescheduled her presentation (originally planned for December 2022) and will be joining us on February 9th with the topic: 2023: The Year to Test Your Resilience, Run Wild and Raise Funds. 
Happiness – it’s a very simple topic, yet one that we tend to struggle with the most in our adulthood, and Jean Steel has devoted her life’s work as a speaker and author to help people not only find their happiness but thrive in it.
Her experience growing up overseas with her family in Africa and Asia, as well as her extensive education in mind-body health and wellness have led a life full of gratitude, vast perspective, and joy that she so thoughtfully and humorously shares with the world through motivational keynotes and books. Her timeless messages and universal appeal are unforgettable and just what you need to find your happy!

January Education Program

Tips for Writing Grants

Thursday, January 12, 2023 
12:00-1:00 pm
Virtual Event on Zoom
Registration $15
FREE for AFP SLO County Chapter Members

Register Here

Kick off the year to successful fundraising by learning tips to help you write successful grant applications.  Leading this workshop is Sally Rogow, Planning and Grants Manager at CAPSLO.  Sally has written millions of dollars in winning grants for CAPSLO.  You can't afford to miss this opportunity to learn from the best!


Sally Rogow
Sally has worked at the Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo County for over four decades. With a Master’s in Public Health, she spent 30 years in adolescent pregnancy and HIV prevention as Education Director, grant writing and developing many programs for teens and curricula for teachers. For the past 15 years, she has worked in CAPSLO’s Planning Department writing local, private, state, and federal grant applications and community needs assessments. As Planning and Grants Manager, she coordinates grant applications and implements a variety of Results Oriented Management and Accountability (ROMA) requirements and other agency-wide initiatives.

Ethics in Philanthropy and Fundraising

Ethics in Philanthropy and Fundraising
October 13, 2022
12:00-1:00 pm
Registration $15
FREE for AFP SLO County Chapter Members
Approved for 1 CE by CFRE International

Register here

October is Ethics Awareness Month! 

Join us for this interactive session as we review AFP’s ethics guidelines and talk through real life scenarios that have happened to development professionals in SLO County! 

Leading the discussion will be our very own, Loren Leidinger. Loren is a Certified Fund Raising Executive, Vice President of SLO County AFP Board, and Outreach and Development Director at CAPSLO.  Loren has been working in the nonprofit sector for over 25 years with local, national and international organizations.

AFP adopted its official Code of Ethical Standards in 1964, helping to foster the development and growth of fundraising professionals to enhance philanthropic and volunteer initiatives. The 25 standards in AFP’s Code address issues such as privacy, stewardship of funds, professional responsibilities and compensation, including a prohibition on accepting commissions or percentage-based fundraising.  We will take a quick look at these standards and put them under the microscope at this monthly workshop. Come with your own ethical dilemmas to discuss with the group too!

A Board’s Eye View

A Board’s Eye View—Board Members discuss serving and supporting SLO County nonprofits

Michael Gunther, Moderator, with panelists Erica Flores Baltodano, Ryan Caldwell, Dave Junhke, and Jill Talley

September 8, 2022
12:00-1:00 pm
Registration $15
FREE for AFP SLO County Chapter Members
Full participation in “A Board's Eye View: Board Members Discuss Serving and Supporting SLO County Nonprofits” is applicable for 1 point in Category 1.B – Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification.

Register here


Michael Gunther, Founder & Senior Consultant, Collaboration Business Consulting

Current Board Service:  Dignity Health Foundation Board, Rotary de Tolosa, & Golden Gate Business Association

Past Board Service:  Women’s Shelter Program of SLO County, SLO Chamber of Commerce, Friends of Prado Day Center, Cal Poly’s Orfalea College of Business Community Advisory Council



Erica Flores Baltodano:  President, The Baltodano Firm

Current Board Service: San Luis Obispo Legal Assistance Foundation (Chair), San Luis Coastal Education Foundation, and District 3 Civil Service Commissioner for the County of San Luis Obispo  

Past Board Service: San Fernando Valley Girl Scout Council, San Luis Obispo MOMS Club, and UMCC Preschool in San Luis Obispo.


Ryan Caldwell: CEO, Wacker Wealth Partners

Current Board Service: SLO Food Bank (Vice Chair), REACH

Past Board Service: United Way SLO County, SLO Chamber of Commerce, Leadership SLO.


Dave Juhnke:  Attorney -- Andre, Morris, & Buttery

Current Board Service: Lumina Alliance (Chair), SLO County Land Conservancy, SLO Chamber of Commerce, Rotary de Tolosa.

Past Board Service: SLO Y, American Red Cross, SLO Literacy Council, Friends of Prado Day Center, 2011 SLO Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year.


Jill Talley: Community Volunteer – Television Journalist/News Anchor/Reporter 

Current Board Service: San Luis Obispo Classical Academy (Past Chair)

Past Board Service:  Wide variety of local non-profits boards for more than 30 years spanning 5 states: California, Texas, Washington, Idaho and Montana. 

Mid-Level Donors: Key Strategies in Stewarding, Engaging, Soliciting and Upgrading

Mid-Level Donors: Key Strategies in Stewarding, Engaging, Soliciting and Upgrading
With Shannon Brennan
August 11, 2022
12:00-1:00 pm
Registration $15
FREE for AFP SLO County Chapter Members
Approved for 1 CE by CFRE International

Register here

Join Shannon Brennan, Catapult’s Vice President of Client Development, for an in-depth discussion on fundraising best practices for your mid-level donors. Shannon will discuss strategies and fundraising methodologies on how to best engage these prospects and move them up the giving pyramid. Shannon will review case studies that clearly depict how isolating mid-level donors and reinforcing their importance as a pipeline for future major gifts results in an increase in all relevant key performance indicators (pledge rate, average gift and fulfillment rate).

Get to Know The Community Foundation San Luis Obispo County

With Cassandra Kartashov, Director of Grants & ProgramsCassandra Kartashov
June 9, 2022
12:00-1:00 pm
Registration $15
FREE for AFP SLO County Chapter Members
Approved for 1 CE by CFRE International

Register here

The Community Foundation San Luis Obispo County has been a force for good for almost 25 years. Since inception, the Foundation has awarded over $37 million in grants and scholarships and has $77 million in assets under management. The Foundation supports hundreds of donors, students and nonprofits each year by serving as a catalyst and connector to support a thriving community. 

So, how does it all work? How do funding decisions and grant priorities get made? Does it make sense for your nonprofit to establish a fund with the Foundation? What is a donor advised fund? What separates a funded application from one that gets declined? How do I build or deepen my relationship with the Foundation? 

To hear the answers to these questions and more attend the June 9 AFP meeting with guest presenter Cassandra Kartashov, Director of Grants & Programs.

Communications Strategies of Nonprofit Fundraising

With Mary VerdinMary Verdin
May 12, 2022
12:00-1:00 pm
Registration $15
FREE for AFP SLO County Chapter Members
Approved for 1 CE by CFRE International

Register here

In today's world there are a myriad of communications channels, and that can be confusing and waste time; which are most effective for fundraising? Add to that your different donor audiences and reasons for fundraising, and it can be overwhelming to determine what the right path is to meet your needs -- and your goals. Join us as Mary Verdin shows us a simple five step process to determine the right channels and how to use them appropriately, to lead your organization to success in 2022. And beyond!

What Your Nonprofit Needs to Know About Cryptocurrency

With Tina Roh, co-founder & COO at Every.orgTina Roh
April 14, 2022
12:00-1:00 pm
Registration $15
FREE for AFP SLO County Chapter Members
Approved for 1 CE by CFRE International

Register here

As the fastest growing asset class of the decade, cryptocurrency has unlocked wealth and giving for a new generation of donors who are more generous than traditional investors. We will be covering the following topics to get you comfortable with how your organization can accept crypto support.

  1. What is cryptocurrency?
  2. Why should nonprofits care about cryptocurrency?
  3. Which nonprofits can benefit from cryptocurrency?
  4. What are the risks and considerations?
  5. How can my nonprofit receive cryptocurrency support easily with minimal risk?

Lessons Learned About the Annual Fund During a Worldwide Crisis

With Anthony R. Alonso, President of CatapultAnthony Alonso
March 10, 2022
12:00-1:00 pm
Registration $15
FREE for AFP SLO County Chapter Members
Approved for 1 CE by CFRE International

Register here

Join Anthony R. Alonso, President of Catapult, as he discusses the tools and techniques you should use to maximize communication efforts with your donors, especially during times where face to face visits are not always an option. Cultivation is key for the long-term sustainability of your annual fund, so make the most of a multi-channel strategy that incorporates email, direct mail, phone, text, and social media solicitations!

Bequest Conversations and Incorporating Them Into Blended Gifts

With Kristen L. Dugdale, JD, Director, Relationship Management, TIAA KaspickKristen L. Dugdale
February 10, 2022
12:00-1:00 pm
Registration $15
FREE for AFP SLO County Chapter Members

Register here

As development professionals, we have the pleasure of working with donors who share our commitment to the missions of our charitable organizations.  Many of these donors make regular outright gifts, and would like to understand how they can make an even bigger impact at your organization.  By combining their current giving with a deferred gift (such as a bequest or beneficiary designation), donors can have a larger impact than they initially imagined.  This webinar will provide an overview of bequests and beneficiary designations and will give you helpful tips for having effective conversations around deferred giving with your donors.

Nonprofits, Fundraising, and the Meaning of Life

With Jan Masoaka, CEO, California Association of Nonprofits
January 13, 2022
12:00 - 1:00 PM
Registration $15
FREE for AFP SLO County Chapter Members with discount code 

Register here

Join us for our first program of 2022 on January 13 at noon. Our guest speaker, Jan Masoaka, will be reflecting on three takeaways from the pandemic and will share insights to help us be successful in raising funds in 2022 focusing on the factors that are disrupting the nonprofit ecosystem and the policies have the potential to help or hinder our efforts.

Self-Care Reflections for the Nonprofit Fundraiser

With Meghan Madsen from Transitions-Mental Health Association
December 9, 2021
12:00 - 1:00 PM

Join us for our final program of 2021 on December 9th at noon. The program will include our Annual Member Meeting and then a deep-dive into self-care with Meghan Madsen from Transitions-Mental Health Association. We will reflect on the pandemic and its impact on each of our roles. Meghan will offer insights into deep rooted self-care. At this hectic time of year, take this moment to refresh your ideas of self-care and walk away with strategies for a lifestyle of awareness, intentionality and self-preservation. 

National Philanthropy Day 2021

With keynote by Lynne Wester, Donor Relations Guru
Rethinking Your Thanking: The Purpose-Driven and Donor-Centered Approach

Thursday, November 18, 2021

11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Learn More

This year’s event will be virtual and LIVE on Zoom, Thursday, November 18, 2021 from 11:00 am - 12:30 pm and will feature a celebration of philanthropy within the San Luis Obispo County Community and a keynote presentation by Lynne Wester, Donor Relations Guru.

Philanthropy is so much more than simply writing a check. There are community members throughout our region who find ways to apply their talent and creativity to the causes they believe in. We will shine the spotlight on young philanthropist Claire Guyader and celebrate her creativity to provide hope to our neighbors in need. We will honor Mary Verdin and Verdin Marketing with the President’s Award for their service to our nonprofit community with their 24-Hour Give.


Building a Major Gifts Program - the Good, the Bad and the Benefits 

With Debby Nicklas, Vice President of Philanthropy for the Dignity Health California Central Coast Market Area and French Hospital Medical Center FoundationDebby Nicklas

October 14, 2021

12:00-1:00 pm

Registration $15
FREE for AFP SLO County Chapter Members with discount code 

Register Here

Major gifts are an essential part of any nonprofit’s fundraising strategy. This session will focus on how to build an effective major gifts program to help meet your fundraising goals. Highlights include prospect research, cultivation tools, moves management, and solicitation techniques.

Hybrid Events Are Here to Stay: Now What? 

With Paul Richardson, System Senior Vice President, Philanthropy Engagement, CommonSpirit HealthPaul Richardson

September 9, 2021

12:00-1:00 pm

Registration $15
FREE for AFP SLO County Chapter Members with discount code 

Register Here

This session will focus on the new normal as we continue to deal with the global pandemic and eventually shift to service recovery for our nonprofit events. The session will showcase information about the current state of strategic events from tangible recommendations on strategy, process, and tools. 

Launching a Successful Bequest Campaign… and Changing Your Fundraising Strategy Forever

Andy Ragone
With Andy Ragone from Crescendo
August 12, 2021
12:00 - 1:00 PM
Registration $15
FREE for AFP SLO County Chapter Members with discount code 

Register Here
Building a pipeline of substantially sized bequests will require a markedly different approach than through impersonal and generalized appeals. With larger gifts comes the need for a greater level of personalization, stewardship, trust and community. With perseverance, these efforts will shape your organization’s culture by creating enthusiastic champions of your cause.

Why and How Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Can Transform your Organization and Make You a Better Fundraiser

Geoff Green
With Geoff Green, CEO of the SBCC Foundation
June 10, 2021
12:00 - 1:00 PM
Registration $15
FREE for AFP SLO County Chapter Members with discount code 

Register Here
The current rise in racial justice activism has shone a light on the many ways in which our communities, institutions, and professional associations mirror and reinforce the divisions and inequities in our society. During this conversation, we'll take a look at what the data says, how it impacts our work, and strategies that we can use to make our organizations more inclusive, diverse, and equitable. The nonprofit sector is frequently a leader in addressing both the root causes and ultimate effects of inequality, discrimination, exclusion, and systemic oppression. As such, we must not only speak out in support of diversity, equity, and inclusion, but also model these principles in our own work.