Chapter Job Center

Chapter Job Center

Thank you for choosing to visit our site, whether you are looking for a new opportunity, or looking to provide an opportunity with your organization. To view the full details for each listing click on the job title.

  • Current AFP Members can post for free
  • Non-members can pay $30 for a 30-day posting and one social media posting

Chapter Job Center Policy:

  • Postings shall be limited to the field of fundraising.
  • Postings must list the intended salary range
  • AFP Western Maryland limits job postings to those that serve Alleghany, Carroll, Frederick, Garrett, Montgomery, and Washington County and shall be listed for thirty (30) days before removal from the Chapter Job Center.
  • Posting of jobs shall be available to organizations of both members and non-members.
  • All posting shall not violate either the AFP Code of Ethical Standards or the AFP Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access Statement of Principles.

To post a job, please send a copy of your job description in PDF form to AFP Western Maryland.

6/26/2024 Development Coordinator University System of Maryland at Hagerstown (USMH)
6/20/2024 Assistant Director of Grants and Sponsored Programs Hood College
6/20/2024 Advancement Officer Hood College
6/20/2024 Leadership Gift Officer Hood College
5/10/2024 Development Associate Philanthropic Fundraising