Local Job Listings

Current Job Opportunities in Central PA

2/10/25 - HDC MidAtlantic - Director of Fundraising (Click here for detailed job description)

2/6/25 - YWCA Lancaster - Chief Development Officer (Click here for detailed job description)

1/30/25 - Logos Academy - Director of Major Gifts (Click here for detailed job description)

1/30/25 - YWCA Lancaster - Development and Volunteer Coordinator (Click here for detailed job description)

1/6/25 - Whitaker Center for Science and the Arts - Chief Advancement Officer (Click here for detailed job description)

11/7/24 - Radiant Hope - Director of Development - (Click here for detailed job description)

In November 2020, AFP Global began requiring salary ranges for all positions posted on the AFP Global Career Center. Your local AFP Central PA Chapter is applauding and reinforcing this equitable and transparent practice by similarly requiring salary ranges on all positions listed on our chapter's Job Posting service, effective March 1, 2021.

We are committed to the inclusion, diversity, equity and access space as defined by AFP Global and IDEA [link to that page in text], and believe that requiring salary ranges creates a level playing field for those seeking employment in the nonprofit sector. This practice also encourages transparent communication between employers and potential employees right from the start, and helps clearly define professional expectations.  Here is a link to read our Chapter's newly adopted Job Posting Policy.

AFP Central PA will post your job to our website & send your job announcement as a one-time e-mail blast to our distribution list of 400+ professionals and managers currently working .

Job Posting Benefits

  • Listing on our website for 90 days.
  • The Job Posting will be emailed to over 500+ professionals and managers currently working in the fundraising field and located primarily within the Central Pennsylvania area. All job posting submissions need to be paid for and submitted to AFP Central PA through this form.

Job Posting Rates

  • $125.00 for the general public
  • $50.00 for AFP members

After completing the job profile form, you will be required to make payment by credit card. No checks are accepted. An automatic email receipt will be sent after payment is made (if not received, be sure to check your junk mail). The contact information you enter below will not appear in the post; it is for internal purposes. Once your submission is complete, the posting will be published to the website by the administrator within 48 business hours.

If you need to repost the position, we offer a 50% discount to repost and email after the initial 90 days.  

How to Post:
Please fill out this form.  You will be asked to attach the following:

- PDF of your job posting
- Jpeg of your logo
- Brief paragraph that describes the position
- Salary Requirements (must be included in the PDF of your job posting)

 If you have any questions, please contact info@afpcentralpa.org.