Discovery Questions with MUSC's Kate Azizi

When:  Sep 14, 2023 from 12:00 PM to 01:16 PM (ET)
Associated with  AFP SC, Lowcountry Chapter

Join AFP Lowcountry and MUSC’s Kate Azizi for a presentation on donor discovery questions! Discovery questions will help you determine your donor’s needs and explore what is important to them, including: their reasoning for supporting your non-profit, financial capacity, how decisions about their gifts are made, etc. Relationship building requires trust and understanding, which is essential in fundraising.

Kate Azizi is the Vice President of Institutional Advancement. She leads a team of philanthropy professionals who work on MUSC advancement initiatives for the university and health system in all markets -- local, regional, state-wide and beyond.

Azizi joined MUSC in 2020 from her position as assistant dean for development at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, Illinois. Previously, Azizi held positions of increasing levels of responsibility at the University of Chicago, including more than three years as campaign director for individual giving and another three years plus as campaign director/senior director for principal gifts. Her academic experience also includes some five years in two positions with North Carolina State University in Raleigh, where she served as director of development and external relations at the Poole College of Management and as director of corporate and foundation relations for the College of Veterinary Medicine.

Azizi has taken courses and earned a certificate in leadership and executive education from Northwestern University and the Harvard Program on Negotiation, respectively. She received an MBA in marketing from NC State University and a B.A. from Drew University in Madison, New Jersey.


Coastal Community Foundation
1691 Turnbull Ave
North Charleston, SC 29405


Megan Williams