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About Our Chapter


The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) East Texas Chapter was founded in January 2008. At the time, it was the largest new chapter in AFP International history, with over 40 founding members.  

Since its inception, the chapter has grown considerably with nearly 80 active professionals. The AFP East Texas Chapter advances philanthropy and fosters ethical and effective fundraising. The chapter usually meets the first Tuesday of every month from 11:30 am - 1 pm in Tyler, for lunch, networking and an educational program. Guests are welcome, but reservations are required.

2022 Board of Directors

 President - Alex Fruth

President Elect – Alex Fruth

Past President - Candice Christian

Treasurer - Chris Hill

Secretary - Christy Hill

Communications Chair - Cassi Velasco

Education Program Chair - Miles Morrison

Membership Chair - Patricia Glass

I.D.E.A. Chair – La’Keidra Lincoln

At Large Member - Robbin Hampton

Chapter Administrator – Kaylin Mark