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What can you use to clean a vinyl plank floor when it has become discolored?

There are many reasons that can make your vinyl plank floor fade or turn yellow over time. You can’t avoid this problem even with a proper cleaning routine. Before you can afford new flooring, this is how to clean discolored Vinyl flooring safely and effectively

Using any kind of dish soap: 

If you ask what is the safest and easiest thing you can use to clean a discolored vinyl plank floor, then the answer is on your kitchen sink: the dish soap. This cleaning solution has a natural pH level which can help you remove the discoloration slowly and steadily. So give the dish soap time to work its magic.

You can use any kind of dish soap and mix it with warm water and spray it on the desired spots. Mop the floor as usual and wipe it off with a dry cloth.

Get to know the bleach: 

Bleach sounds like an unfriendly cleaning solution for the vinyl plank floors because it’s kind of a strong chemical. But it’s actually a faster solution to treat a discolored vinyl plank floor. Of course, you should use gloves and wear a mask while using bleach and avoid any direct contact with this chemical.

The correct way to use bleach on vinyl plank floors is by mixing it with a lot of water. We’re talking about 1 part bleach to 10 parts water to make it as mild as possible. Rub the mixture on the affected spot and rinse it with water immediately, then wipe the spot with a clean cloth.   

Combine lemon and baking soda: 

According to The King Live experts, lemon can lighten your yellowed vinyl plank floors just like it lightens your hair and skin. You can combine lemon with baking soda to create a natural cleaning solution for your discolored vinyl plank floor. But remember, since it’s a natural solution, it would take time to work, so be patient with the process.   

Squeeze some fresh lemon juice and mix it with half the amount of baking soda. When the mixture turns paste-like, spread it on the discolored spot you want to treat. Leave it untouched for 15 minutes then wipe it off with a paper towel.   

Grab the rubbing alcohol: 

If you don’t like to wait for too long to see your vinyl plank floor go back the way it was, you can try using rubbing alcohol. An advantage of using this solution is you don’t have to rinse or wipe the floor afterward because the rubbing alcohol will evaporate immediately. 

Using rubbing alcohol is also easy. Just rub it on the wanted spot after you sweep/vacuum the floor in a circular motion until you see the discolored disappear. You can add more rubbing alcohol if its affection is slow. Just repeat the process until you reach the desired result.

Try the cream of Tartar: 

The cream of tartar is a white powder of mild acid salt that is used for baking. You can mix it with water to create a paste-like cleaning solution for rust stains, coffee machines, copper, and brass. But for now, we’re going to use it for the discolored vinyl plank floors.

Create the paste-like solution by adding water to the cream of tartar and rubbing it on the affected area. After 30 minutes, clean the spot with a damp sponge, then rinse and dry it with a mop.  

If these recipes helped you restore the beauty of your vinyl plank floor, don’t forget to go to the website to find more informative posts like how often do you run your Roomba to keep your floor spotless or how to choose the perfect mop for your vinyl plank floor.