
Cheryl Unterschutz

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After years of service as an educator, communications, development, and marketing professional I know that I am meant to work in the non-profit sector. My passion is to help others help themselves by supporting agencies and programs that provide education, guidance, and support to those needing a helping hand to get back on their feet. My love for people of all ages is due, in part to my experiences as an educator for children and adults. In more recent roles I've served as the public relations, communications, development and marketing director for several non-profits serving families as well as the executive director for a small non-profit aimed specifically at the empowerment of young girls. Currently, I am working at the Community Action agency in my area where I am helping to educate our community on the power of Community Action as well as share the important stories that come from the services and support we provide. Additionally, I am building a vibrant donor base to allow new and innovative ideas to flourish in support of famlies wanting to move out of poverty and into self-sustainability.