Affinity Groups

AFP PM—Philanthropy Matters

Audience: Professionals seasoned with 3+ years of development/nonprofit experience

AFP-PM conversations explore the latest research, trends, and ideas in philanthropy and development. Join us for food, discussion, and networking! Earn 1.5 CFRE certification or recertification education points at each gathering.

Cost: $10 (includes appetizers and a non-alcoholic beverage)

Questions? Contact Dr. Sandra Ehrlich, CFRE at



Audience: Professionals who are fresh to their nonprofit career

New to development? Have questions but don’t know who to ask? Not sure if you fund raise enough to be a “fundraiser”? Passionate about fundraising and need to network to find that next step? #Circleback was made for you! Join others who are new or new-ish to the profession. Ask all the burning questions and develop a great network of colleagues. Each meet-up starts with a story (or a blunder) from one of our chapter’s seasoned professionals.

Cost: Free

Questions? Contact Melissa Williams at



Audience: Fundraising professionals from across the state of Alaska—especially those in rural or non-Anchorage areas (all members are welcome)

One907AFP designed for statewide engagement for ALL AFP Alaska Chapter members. Our goal is to be ONE AFP for all of Alaska (the 907). This group meets over the phone—no online meeting to make sure we have no connectivity issues. One907AFP is a place for members to discuss our monthly luncheon topic (a link with a video recording of the luncheon will be send out prior to each meeting), share fundraising victories, brainstorm fundraising obstacles, or just bring up anything that you need some advice with. Think of it as a virtual campfire that you can pull a seat up to and just have a chat. Marshmallows not included.

Cost: Free to AFP Members