What is the CFRE credential?
The Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) credential demonstrates an individual’s mastery of the standards set for core knowledge and skills required of fundraising executives after five years of experience. This practice-based designation requires demonstration of having met these standards through both an application and a written examination. The CFRE credential provides you with a recognizable demonstration of your personal and professional achievement and commitment.
AFP AK Chapter Members with CFRE credential:
(Updated 11/8/2024)
Jennifer Brown, CFRE
Suzanne Carté-Cocroft, CFRE
Becky Chambless, CFRE
KaLynn Coffey, CFRE
Jayna Combs, CFRE
Sheena Cummings, MBA, CFRE
Emily Drygas, CFRE
Morgan Dulian, CFRE
Celeste Earley, CFRE
Dr. Sandra Ehrlich, CFRE
James Fredrick, Jr. CFRE
Emily Glascock, CFRE
Gretchen Gordon, CFRE
Ann Hale, CFRE
Kelly Hurd, CFRE
William Hurr II, CFRE
Wanda Irwin, CFRE, BS
Lynne Johnson, CFRE
Cynthia Libby, CFRE
Elizabeth MacDonell, CFRE
Julia Martinez, CFRE
Elizabeth Miller, CFRE
Matthew Morse, CFRE
Jennifer Motes, CFRE
Harry William Need IV, CFRE
Serena Nesteby, CFRE
Tlisa Northcutt, CFRE
Seanna Lee O'Sullivan-Hines, CFRE
Eleanor Oydna, CFRE
Megan Riebe, CFRE
Bobi Rinehart, CFRE
Samantha Sink, CFRE
Peter Host, CFRE
Tammy Tragis-McCook, CFRE
Mary Sullivan Wagner, CFRE
Melissa Webber, CFRE
Laurie B. Wolf, MNPL, CFRE
Dr. Brooke Wood, CFRE