(Presentation via Zoom)
October is Ethics Awareness Month when we celebrate ethics – because ethics makes philanthropy and fundraising possible. While we celebrate in October, ethics is critical all the time. As a development professional you are faced day in and day out with ethical decision-making.
In this interactive session with two members of the AFP Ethics Committee, learn how to use the Code and ethical decision-making to navigate this increasingly complex world we work in.
Ahead of the session, submit your real-life complex ethical dilemmas and get real-time guidance from the experts -- or let us know which of the 25 standards in the Code you’re curious about and learn more about what they mean for you and your work with donors and your peers. We’ll take some deep dives and have a lot fun along way!
Ann M. Hale, CFRE
Deputy Director, Development
Anchorage Museum
John Scola, CFRE
Sr. VP of Advancement
Boys and Girls Clubs of the Valley
Phoenix, AZ