Volunteer Opportunities
The volunteer-led AFP Silicon Valley Chapter is looking for nonprofit professionals, those looking to work or volunteer in philanthropy as well as for-profit supporters of our work to join one of our committees. As a committee member, you can make impact by contributing your skills and expertise; and gain valuable new experiences you may not get in your current job. If you are interested in volunteering, please email our Volunteer Engagement Chair, Laura Bajuk, volunteers@afpsv.org
Why Volunteer?
Volunteering with AFP Silicon Valley Chapter is a great way to share your talent and build relationships with your fellow industry colleagues. It can also act as a catalyst for your own career growth. Volunteering with AFP Silicon Valley Chapter contributes to both your personal and professional development and helps to further promote, highlight, and advance our profession. Your committee volunteer work is experience you can add to your resume and may count towards CFRE certification.
Committee Opportunities:
The commitment, hard work and support of our committee members is both vital to our chapter’s success and fulfillment of our mission. We welcome members as well as non-members to join a committee or consider other meaningful volunteer opportunities.
- Education - mentorship programs, master’s series, online webinars, and emerging professionals program.
- Marketing - lead our outreach efforts through social media, email marketing, print, and website management.
- Development - unite our community of professionals around raising funds for our scholarship programs.
- Silicon Valley Philanthropy Day - join a great team of go-getters plan the largest and most impactful event in Silicon Valley that honors funders, donors, volunteers and our peers.
- Programs - Strategize and outreach to a diverse and eclectic speakers to present at our monthly luncheons.
- Diversity - Contribute towards bringing awareness and understanding of parity, equity, and diversity to our peers.
- Ethics - AFP was founded to ensure ethical fundraising. Involvement on this committee includes planning the annual Ethics Luncheon as well as finding opportunities to discuss ethics during the year at our events.
- Membership - Help engage your peers and connect them with all of the benefits and services AFP provides. This committee focuses both on recruitment and retention including special member only opportunities.