
Chapter Leadership

AFP Greater Lehigh Valley Chapter elects a new slate every winter at our Annual Meeting and Holiday Party in December for one-year terms. Chapter members looking to be slated for Board of Directors and Executive positions should express their interest to the Chapter Nominating Committee.

Board Members - Executive Leadership 


Greg Wilson, Consultant


President Elect

Michelle Ellison



Christian Averill



Molly Driscoll, Lehigh University


Board Members

Tracy Kleppinger Bozik

Fellowship Community

VP Marketing


Janette Castro

East Stroudsburg University Foundation

VP Membership


Alex Dapkewicz

Salvation Army

VP Programs

Chris Kaklamanis

The Arc of Lehigh & Northampton Counties

Corissa Rolón

Burn Prevention Network

National Philanthropy Day Co-Chair


Jessie Shappell


National Philanthropy Day Co-Chair


Jamie Schiffer

Phoebe Ministries

IDEA Chair


Kristen Walsh

Valley Youth House

Lehigh Valley Philanthropy Institute Chair


Purpose, Mission, and Responsibilities

To advise, govern, oversee policy and direction, and assist with the leadership and general promotion of the Association of Fundraising Professionals Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter so as to support the organization's mission and needs.

Mission Statement:
Advance philanthropy by enabling people and organizations to practice ethical and effective fundraising. The core activities through which AFP fulfills this mission include education, training, mentoring, research, credentialing, and advocacy.

Major responsibilities:

  • Organizational leadership and advisement
  • Organization of the board of directors, officers, and committees
  • Formulation and oversight of policies and procedures
  • Financial management, including adoption and oversight of the annual budget
  • Oversight of program planning and evaluation
  • Board evaluation and development
  • Review of organizational and programmatic reports
  • Promotion of the organization
  • Fundraising and outreach

Length of Term:

  • Chapter officers shall be elected at an annual meeting of the membership, and shall serve one year terms, with a maximum of two terms in each office, but may qualify for two additional one year terms after a minimum one year break in service, for a total lifetime service of four years in each office. Chapter Officers include President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Treasurer, Secretary, and 1 to 4 Vice Presidents.
  • Directors shall serve one year terms, with the maximum of eight terms for a total of eight (8) years of maximum service.

Meetings and Time Commitment:

  • The board of directors meets every month; the Executive Committee meets at the discretion of the President.
  • Committees of the board meet on their own schedules and meetings are published to the Chapter website 'Events' page.

Expectations of Board Members:

  • Attend and participate in board meetings on a regular basis, and chapter programs as able.
  • Participate on a standing committee of the board, and serve on ad-hoc committees as necessary.
  • Be alert to community concerns that can be addressed by AFP's mission, objectives, and programs.
  • Help communicate and promote AFP's mission and programs to the community.
  • Become familiar with AFP's finances, budget, and financial/resource needs.
  • Understand the policies and procedures of AFP.
  • Financially support AFP in a manner commensurate with one's ability.