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AFP Member Spotlight - Ashley Murray

  • 1.  AFP Member Spotlight - Ashley Murray

    Posted 03-18-2022 07:46 AM
                                                     AFP Member Spotlight

                                                                                      Ashley Murray
                                           Development Director, Community Coordinated Child Care
                                         AFP Greater Louisville Diversity & Inclusion Committee Chair  

    Does your organization have a recent success story related to fundraising? If so, can you describe it?
    4-C is new (as of when I was hired a year ago) to actively and formally head fundraising and philanthropy. But because of the relationships created through staff at 4-C, we were able to work with a funder, and they financed the purchase of our Head Start building. It was a gracious gift that allowed us to hold off on a capital campaign.

    What is one thing you wish you would have known when you started your fundraising career?
    That it can be as fulfilling on a daily basis. I don't think some jobs are like that. I go home every day feeling like I've done something for someone and not just myself.

    Why did you join AFP?
    I joined AFP because they were looking for people to join the board, and I was looking to get more involved. Luckily for me I was able to get very, very involved very quickly. Since December 2019 – that's when I joined the board.

    How have you benefited from your AFP membership?
    The ability to network and create connections with other individuals within philanthropy has been very beneficial to me professionally and personally.

    What is the purpose of the Diversity & Inclusion Committee in our chapter, and why do you know this committee is so important?
    This was a new role that was started at the end of 2019. A major goal of this committee was to help diversify our membership so the membership actually reflected our community. I think there are still so many marginalized individuals in our community, and this is an opportunity to speak up for them.

    What is one tip you recommend for connecting with donors?
    I would say to find out what their communication style is. It will always benefit you in the long run.

    Do you have a fundraising-related resource you recommend? If so, what is it?
    I am the president of FREML (Fund Raising Executives of Metro Louisville). FREML is also another local nonprofit resource. An economical price for any nonprofit, and we work with AFP to provide additional programming throughout the year.

    We are highlighting and answering frequently-asked fundraising questions from AFP members. What fundraising-related question is burning in your mind?
    How are nonprofits working together to try to create connections and partnerships? There are so many of us, and so little funding to go around. Is there a way we can work together?

    Do you have anything you'd like to add?
    Just join AFP. Use local resources. It is great!

    KY, Greater Louisville Admin