Job Seekers
See the table at the bottom of this page.
This is a paid job posting site. Listings will not be posted without payment.
If you are hiring, a 2-step process.
1) Pay for the Posting by clicking here.
Pay for the job posting, either $125 for members, $200 for non-members. You qualify for the member rate if you or anyone
in the hiring organization is a member. If not, please pay the non-member rate. Your membership qualification will be verified.
2) In harmony with AFP Global guidelines, we require the job posting to include a salary range IN the document as you would like it to appear to prospective candidates. You can find out more about AFP Global's policy here.
3) Send both a PDF and a Word document of the job description to We'll post it in the table below.
Both documents MUST include the salary range as you would like it to appear.
Problems? Send an email to - or call 949-436-2939.
A Checklist for Sending Job Announcements:
- Are you sending both a Word and PDF document for each job?
- Is there a method of applying detailed in the job description?
- Is your company listed on the job description? We get many lacking this info.
- Is there a salary range listed?
- Is the PDF precisely what you would like people to see when viewing the description?
Thanks for using AFPOC to find great employees!
Click on the Title Link to View each Job Descsription: