Chapter Job Center

Current Openings:

Please share your openings which are current to for posting 

AFP Chapter Administrator 

The Chapter Administrator will work with the Chapter President and Board of Directors to assist in administrative functions including assisting with financial management, publicity, and meeting administrative needs.  This is a part time/contract position.  Membership in AFP is preferred, but not required.  To apply, please submit a resume to  A full job description is available upon request.  

LHUCA Development Director 

Develop, manage, and oversee a comprehensive fundraising plan that secures financial support
and promotes LHUCA. Works with the Executive Director and the Board of Directors to cultivate
and engage new and current donors, including corporations, businesses, and individuals.
Responsible for managing the annual membership campaign, capital campaign, and fundraisers
including the LHUCA Gala.

Apply Here

Museum of the West Texas Frontier 


Seeking a person that can fundraise for the museum outside of a 30 mile radius around Stamford, TX where the museum is located. This is a part time, remote position. 

This position will help with three key basic projects:

  • Funds to support free educational programs to rural, Title 1 schools within a 60 mile radius of Stamford. This includes Field Trips to our Museum and going and teaching in the schools. 
  • Funds to support the curation and inventory of a vast collection the museum owns. T
  • An endowment account. 

If interested, please contact Jewellee Kuenstler, Director of the Museum via Email

Have a position you'd like posted? Let us know! Email