Topic: Demystifying Government Relations and Advocacy – A Panel Discussion with former First Lady of Virginia Pamela Northam, Jay Ford, Virginia Policy Manager for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, and Robin Mancoll, Director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater
Date: May 21, 2024
Time: 8:30 am Networking / 9:00- 10:00 am Program
Place: EVMS Waitzer Hall, 735 Fairfax Ave, 23507 , Parking Instructions (see below)
Cost: $15 Members; $25 Nonmembers (breakfast included)
CFRE: 1 point pending approval
- This program is designed to help attendees learn about how nonprofits can engage in advocacy actions and work with volunteers to champion their cause to elected officials. Through an expert panel discussion, attendees will learn strategies for effective advocacy, understanding regulatory frameworks, and building relationships with elected officials and their staff. Successful advocacy efforts will be highlighted with the opportunity for Q&A.
- Former First Lady of Virginia Pamela Northam, Public Relations and Education Liaison to the Elizabeth River Project
- Jay Ford, Virginia Policy Manager at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation
- Robin Mancoll, Director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater
- Moderator: Kate Wilson, CFRE, Associate Vice President for Development at the Hampton Roads Community Foundation
Register by Thursday, May 16th at 5pm
Parking Location: Eastern Virginia Medical School
Parking Visitors Garage A
(Physical address for GPS: 725 West Olney Road, Norfolk, VA 23507)
Meeting Location: EVMS Waitzer Hall
On-campus directions:
• Enter the medical campus from Colley Avenue via a) Fairfax Avenue or b) Olney Road
• If you enter via Fairfax Avenue, turn right onto Wagner Road and enter the visitor’s parking garage on your left
• If you enter via Olney Road, turn left onto Wagner Road to enter the visitor’s parking garage on your right
• After parking your car, exit the garage on the back side, where the elevators are.
• Walking out of the garage, turn left. (There is a sidewalk beside the garage that will take you to Fairfax Road.)
• When approaching the end of garage, cross over Fairfax Avenue. EVMS Andrews Hall will be in front of you on the left.
• Continue down the sidewalk on the side of Andrews Hall.
• Waitzer Hall will be on the left, directly behind the statue of L.D. Britt, MD.