2018 Programs

All meetings held from 11:30 am- 1:00 pm at the Mountain City Club.


"Best Practices for Planned Giving Asks"

Presented by:
Rob Robinson


"Fundraising Trends 2018"

Presented by:
Sandra Kidd

Sandra Kidd, Partner at Alexander Haas, a noted Atlanta fundraising firm, will share a look at what lies ahead for our non-profits in fundraising, volunteerism, and advocacy support.  From tax reform, changing expectations for public funding, online giving/digital engagement, or working with 20-somethings to 70-somethings—are we ready?



Join us for a panel discussion on giving trends as we hear from a new generation adopting the reigns of responsibility. Panelists include Katherine Currin, Abby Garrison, Joseph Wingfield and John Zeiser. The discussion will be moderated by Patrick Long.

How Operations, Data and Development can be one big, happy family."

Presented by: Steven Wagner - Executive Director of Development, Erlanger Health System Foundations
Nicole Kennedy - Executive Director of Operations, Erlanger Health System Foundations


"Multi-generational philanthropy: What you need to know"

Presented by: Marisa Ogles, CFRE- Vice President of Donor Services and Engagement at the Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga

How do next gen donors honor the philanthropic legacies and values they’ve inherited while helping to dramatically move the needle on enduring social problems?  How will the much anticipated transfer of wealth between generations impact funding for your organization? As families strive to pass along their traditions of philanthropic giving, they often encounter disconnects from one generation to the next.  This session will explore how families are making connections across all generations that move beyond the head, to the heart of a philanthropic lifestyle, and how development professionals can help facilitate this process thereby ensuring the sustainability of philanthropic resources.


"Collaboration Roundtable"

Presented by: Christa Mannarino- Mannarino Consulting

Christa Mannarino, of Mannarino Consulting will kick off our June program with a short introduction on collaboration and the good things that can come from working together.   Followed by a series of round table discussions, this will be an opportunity to explore issues that each of us share in our day to day fundraising efforts.  Learn from each other about ways in which we can collaborate on programs, funding resources, back office services, special events and more. Join your nonprofit colleagues for what will undoubtedly be a lively, interactive program! 


"Funders Panel"

Panelists: TBD

We will hear from area funders who are on the forefront of funding trends. They will share their insights in an interactive, Q&A format.

While we will not hold a regular meeting, we encourage you to attend the Bold Social Impact conference put on by Venture Forward.


"Who Are You Becoming As a Leader?"

Presented by: Jonathan Fanning- Author, Speaker, Leadership Development Expert

Jonathan Fanning is the author of, "Who are you BECOMING?" and has been coaching leaders – from Fortune 500 executives to sole proprietors – for over 15 years. Jonathan was voted the best speaker at a recent TED conference. He has also built several successful businesses, including a national children’s fitness franchise and Entrepreneur Adventure, which helps young people experience business start-up and ownership. He has inspired and challenged audiences with his message in 49 states and on 3 continents. Jonathan lives in NY with his amazing wife, Dominika, and two angelic little girls, Ella and Maya.