

chattanoogaSince 1987, this active group has been supporting the philanthropic landscape in Chattanooga, Tennessee and the surrounding area. Whether you are a seasoned fundraiser, new to the field or an executive director of a small to mid-sized nonprofit charged with the development efforts of your organization, we would like to see you at an upcoming meeting. 

We focus on delivering innovative educational programs and events to help you reach your goals. AFP is your link to professional networking events, roundtable sessions, programs for advanced executives, mid-career professionals, and those new to the field. We also offer opportunities for volunteering, sponsor special events like National Philanthropy Day Chattanooga, and much more. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed about upcoming programs or register for an event today.

Please check out our programs, volunteer opportunities and get to know your Chapter leaders. If you're not a member, join today and be connected!


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AFP Global's Latest Discussions

  • We have a "friends of" group. Their purpose is to  volunteer, act as ambassadors, and raise funds through ...

  • Profile Picture

    New to using Mailhouses and purchasing donor lists ...

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous Looking to expand our Spring Appeal to ...


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  • 2024 Scholarship Opportunities

    The AFP, Southeastern Tennessee Chapter is pleased to offer two scholarships for the 2024 program year. 

    1) Membership Scholarship (1 year of membership)

    2) Chamberlain Scholarship (AFP International Conference)

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