How To Move Towards Ethical and Human-Centric AI

When:  Oct 4, 2023 from 12:30 PM to 02:15 PM (ET)
Associated with  AFP DE, Brandywine Chapter

Please note: This is an in-person, group viewing of a live webinar. AFP Brandywine Chapter Immediate Past President Stephanie Cory, CAP®, CFRE will facilitate a post-presentation discussion.

Program will be presented in-person only in Room 105 of the Community Service Building. Validated parking in the Community Service Garage, 111 W. 11th Street, Wilmington, DE 19801. 

If the "FULL" sign is lit at the garage, please feel free to enter and bring your ticket for validation. CSB allows space for AFP program attendees.

No charge for AFP Brandywine members; $10 for non-members

12:30 p.m. - Registration/Networking
1:00 - 2:15 p.m. - Program

Presenter: Meena Das, Founder, NamasteData

We have been using more AI-based products in personal and professional lives than we acknowledge. We are heading towards a future where embracing this technology will be the normal. So how do we, then, ensure that it centers community in the core? In this hour together, we will talk about those not-so-subtle points we must know and remember for the human-centric AI our nonprofit industry deserves. We will also hold space to brainstorm on some common questions when we start with AI.

About Meena Das

Meena Das (she/her/hers) is the founder and consultant at NamasteData ( She supports nonprofits in advancing data equity through 3 core areas: donor engagement assessment, assessments of existing data collection sources and staff workshops on improving data equity (through data collection, visualization, human-centric algorithms etc.). She leads her work with love for the community, respect for her lived experiences and knowledge from decade-plus experience of working with data.

Approved for 1.25 CFRE Education points


Community Service Building, Room 105
100 W. 10th Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
Event Image