Chapter Job Board

Chapter Job Board


In order to promote gender and racial pay equity, AFP is leading the way and will be requiring salary ranges for all new positions posted on the AFP-GLAC Job Board.  This information must be included in the PDF.

We understand this might be a significant change for some organizations, but all of us at AFP strongly believe this is an important shift in increasing equity, inclusion and fairness in the fundraising profession.

Click here to read more regarding this policy.

If the job description is submitted without the salary range we will return it and ask that it be updated to include that information.  

How to Post:
Please send a PDF of your job posting to   Be sure to include how applicants are to apply for your position and where they should submit their documents by embedding the link within the PDF.  Do not send link separately in your email message.

A Note about our Registration and Payment Portal
When registering for job postings, please visit this website: 

Our registration system requires a user account with an assigned password.  
Your assigned password is different from your login.
If you do not have a AFP-GLAC Account, please click on the "Create Account" button.  From there you will be able to add your information to our system.

If you do not remember your password, please follow these steps:
  1. Click on the Password Request button.
  2. Enter your email address.
  3. Click on the Submit button.
  4. An email message will be sent to you with your password. (Please check your spam folder if you do not see in your inbox.)
If you have your login and password, please enter that information.
Once you log in, click on the "Job Posting Payment" button at the top.  
Then select 30 or 60 day option and click on the link to be taken to the secure payment portal (Stripe).  
If you have any questions or issues with the system, please don't hesitate to contact the office via phone or email at 714-771-3685 or

For job postings only:
If an employee of your organization is a member of AFP, you may use that membership to get the member rate.  We will need the member’s name and email address in order to confirm membership is current.  If you have any issues with rates and/or posting, please contact the office at


Job Board Post   One Month    Two Months


Member                      $195                $375


Nonmember               $350                $500

You may pay by check or by online credit card processing.  

Please make out checks and send to:
AFP Greater Los Angeles Chapter
25943 Via Pera
Mission Viejo, CA 92691

*Important* Your position announcement will not be posted or sent to the Membership via e-mail until receipt of payment.  Paid position will be posted within 2 business days. 

All position announcements are posted on the AFP GLAC Job Board for length of time paid for. Position announcements are also distributed via e-mail to current AFP GLAC members who have opted to receive these notifications - approximately 300 fundraising professionals in the greater Los Angeles area. Pre-payment is required to process a position announcement with AFP GLAC.  Please send your final verbiage.  Any changes after posting will incur a $50 re-post fee and a $75 second email blast fee. 

Job Title Organization


Grant Writer Loyola Marymount University


Vice President of Development LA Opera


Senior Manager of Donor Relations Pacific Crest Trail Association


Chief Development Officer Valley Community Healthcare


Director of Development Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra


Director of Campaign and Prospect Management The Thacher School