AFP Membership Scholarship
If you're interested in joining AFP, but need financial support, you may apply for a Member Scholarship. The Association of Fundraising Professionals of Central Texas offers scholarships to help you become or continue being a member and receive the benefits of career development, a supportive network, membership discounts, educational opportunities and more! The scholarship fund is possible through individual giving, annual appeals, and other event-related projects. You may download the scholarship application for new members AFP_Membership_Scholarship_Application and send to
Chamberlain Scholarship for AFP ICON Conference
AFP Central Texas is currently accepting applications for the Chamberlain Scholarship. This scholarship provides for one member of our chapter to attend the AFP International Conference (AFP ICON) provided they meet the scholarship criteria. Selected recipient must not have previously attended an AFP International Conference to be eligible for this scholarship. Chamberlain Scholarship funds are only able to cover registration for AFP ICON. All transportation fees, lodging fees, and incidental expenses are the responsibility of the scholarship recipient.