About Our Chapter

AFP Interior BC Chapter (formerly Okanagan Chapter) was formed in 2014. Our board is made up of a number of people in our communities who are working in the Fundraising Profession and are committed to supporting others to grow as professionals. The purpose of our chapter is to inspire philanthropy in our community. Our organization will accomplish our purpose by supporting members in their quest to inspire philanthropy in their respective areas of influence.

2023 Ten Star Chapter

Every year, AFP Global honours chapters for achieving goals that align with key objectives in its long-range strategic plan. Chapters receive the Ten Star Award for performing specific activities designed to increase professionalism within fundraising and public awareness of the importance of philanthropy.

AFP Interior BC is proud to have received the Ten Star Award in 2023!

For more information on the Ten Star Award process,
please visit afpglobal.org.

Mission Statement

The Association of Fundraising Professionals empowers individuals and organizations to practice ethical fundraising through professional education, networking, research, and advocacy.


To stimulate communities of generosity and positive social good through fundraising best practice

Core Values

AFP members of the BC Interior Chapter aspire to: 

  • Conduct themselves with philanthropy, integrity, truthfulness and adherence to the absolute obligation to safeguard the public trust; 
  • Encourage colleagues to embrace and practice the AFP Code of Ethical Principles and Standards
  • Respond effectively to Chapter needs.

Objectives 2022/2023

Our intention is to develop a member centric culture for our chapter that provides support, (mentorship, networking), and upholds and promotes ethical fundraising (education, collaboration, awareness) thereby enabling our members to create impact in the communities they serve.  

Objective 1: AFP BC Interior Chapter is the go-to place for philanthropic professionals to receive support and connection.

  • Key Result 1: (networking) Bi - Monthly same day and time of month (rotate with education session), consistent networking sessions in both Kelowna and Kamloops that receive a combined 30 people with at least 25% non members. One big social in Kamloops and one big Kelowna social to be held each year.
  • Key Result 2: (mentorship) Develop a new member onboarding plan and begin implementation by January 31, 2023 for all regions.
  • Key Result 3: (awareness) Establish a communications plan, baseline of metrics to achieve and implement by Dec 31, 2022 for all regions.

Objective 2: AFP BC Interior Chapter  can provide multiple touchpoints to each member for fundraising education and professional growth 

  • Key Result 1: (education) Bi - Monthly same day and time of month (rotate with social session) and have each member attend at least 3 events in 12 months. All sessions will be hybrid to incorporate all regions.
  • Key Result 2: (collaboration) Have at least half the speakers (3) be from our own membership
  • Key Result 3: (awareness) All board members attend 75%) of events and commit to bringing a non member to events.