
AFP Interior Bc Chapter

Supporting Fundraising Professionals of Interior British Columbia

"Striving to stimulate a world of generosity and positive social good through fundraising best practice."

The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) is a global association of 31,000+ professionals working to advance philanthropy by enabling people and organizations to practice effective and ethical fundraising.

AFP’s Interior BC Chapter supports the AFP’s mission and our membership through education, training, mentoring, research, credentialing, and advocacy.

Whether you are new to the profession or a seasoned fundraiser, we are your link to professional networking, roundtable sessions, educational programs, support and mentorship.

Our annual National Philanthropy Day Luncheon celebrates philanthropy and the positive impact giving, volunteering and charitable engagement has in our communities. 

Contact us at admin@afpokanagan.ca to learn more and get involved!

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