

Board of Directors  2024

Board Job Description

    Nora Gorenstein, CFRE, President bio
    Chief Executive Officer
    Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts
    Ph: 413-737-4313
    Email: ngorenstein@jewishwesternmass.org

    Lisa Middents bio
    Assistant Director of Annual Giving
    Greenfield Community College
    Ph: (413) 387-8342
    Email: lisamiddents@gmail.com

    Tom Navin, Treasurer bio
    Development Director
    Community Legal Aid
    Ph: (413) 727-7115 (work)
    Ph: (413) 563-2879 (Cell)

    Jaclyn Mayo, CFRE, Secretary bio
    Director of Resource Development
    United Way of North Central Massachusetts
    Ph: (978) 345- 1577, ext. 306
    Email:  jaclyn@uwncm.org

    David Casey, Membership Chair bio
    Norwich University

    Ph: (413) 253-4777
    Email: dcasey@norwich.edu

    Mary Lee Walsh bio
    Alumni Relations & Donor Engagement Coordinator
    Bay Path University 
    Phone: 413.565.1063
    Email: mawalsh@baypath.edu

    Chapter Administrator bio
    Dorene Pennell

    Email: afpwma@gmail.com