Thank you to AFP-NJ's 2024 BE the CAUSE donors.
We greatly appreciate your support to the cause and our chapter!
Amy Eisenstein
Anne Elizabeth Milliken
Anthony Alonso
Anysa Holder
Brett Harris
Daphne Halpern
Denise Soto
Geoffrey Close
Gwen Paxon
Jacqueline Brendel
John Hicks
Jon Paparsenos
Kat Hurtado
Kate Hughes
Kelly Gross
Lara Tilley-Bouez
Lucinda Mercer
Maria Healy
Matthew Lang
Michael Baker
Natalie Krauser
Peter Hansen
Ray Brush
Rena Jordan
Rick Dabagian
Samuel Young
Scharron Little
Steven Pomerantz
Victoria Perez
Interested in becoming a BE the CAUSE donor? Make a gift today and join AFP-NJ in empowering, strengthening, and transforming our profession.