From Death's Door to Enduring Success: Five choices that will help you make the biggest impact

When:  Oct 13, 2022
Associated with  AFP NJ, New Jersey Chapter

We each have the power to create true success—enduring success—and to fuel the success of those around us—no matter our experiences, story, or obstacles.

In this interactive workshop, you get an intimate peek into how the power of choice transforms lives.

How Can I?

In this inspirational and applicable workshop, Stephanie Austin—fundraiser, advocate, and volunteer—shares her insights and lessons to help others:

  • Make a lasting impression and profound impact

  • Promote personal reflection and action

  • Nurture community and belonging

  • Apply new perspectives across our lives—as fundraisers, team members, leaders, and community members.

This interactive workshop is facilitated by Trish Kendall, Founder and CEO, Choose & Become and is perfect for:

  • Fundraising professionals and their communities

  • Leaders who influence others

  • Individuals seeking inspiration and application to better drive community, belonging, and true success

About Stephanie (Guest)
Stephanie Austin is a mom, wife, and 14-year survivor of a sudden cardiac arrest. She was only 35 years old when she experienced a sudden cardiac arrest in her sleep. Stephanie’s husband performed CPR and she spent nearly two weeks in the hospital recovering. The next several months were spent healing and adjusting to what became her new reality.

The experience of nearly losing her life and the changes that resulted have provided new perspectives that enable Stephanie to be an even more effective leader, advocate, volunteer, philanthropist, and fundraiser. Her story inspires and motivates. Stephanie dedicates countless hours to the American Heart Association.

About Trish Kendall (Facilitator)
Trish Kendall is an expert on creating enduring success.

Trish was a victim of repeated sexual abuse as a child and was forced to move a dozen times from town to town—school to school. She never belonged anywhere. In her early teens, Trish turned to the world of drugs. She lied, stole, and traded her remaining dignity for drugs. At age 20, she chose to end her life.

Today, she is a highly regarded Business Development executive, a trusting and trusted member of her community, a devoted wife and loving mother, and an inspiration to others everywhere. Trish shares the five critical choices she made on her journey to enduring success.

Register now for this special workshop. Be inspired, motivated, and empowered by new perspectives.

AFP Members:   $29
Nonmembers:   $35

The AFP member rate will be given to groups of five or more from the same organization. If you would like to register a group, contact us by phone or email.

Full participation in this program is applicable for 1 point in Category 1.B – Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification. Learn more about CFRE here.




Online Instructions:


Lori E. Richmond