How to Post a Job with AFP of NWA

Your job opening will be posted in the Career tab of the AFP of NWA web site. Your ad will be accessible by nearly 200 AFP of NWA members. The Career Opportunities section is an AFP of NWA member benefit.


Free to AFP of NWA Members
$100 - Non-members
$50 - Members of other chapters with proof of membership. 

Membership is determined by the AFP of NWA Chapter Administrator. If an individual of your organization is a member, your organization -- for the position announcement service only -- is considered a member.

Please send either a link to the job or a pdf of the job description and contact information to Michelle Hobbs at
Positions will be posted within 2 business days. 

 Your position announcement will not be posted until receipt of payment. Please also forward your PayPal receipt to Michelle Hobbs when you send the link or pdf for upload. Payment can be made with a credit card through these PayPal links:

PayPal link for non-members:

PayPal link for members of other chapters:

  • Postings shall be limited to nonprofits.
  • AFP NWA limits job postings to those that serve northwest Arkansas or the state of Arkansas and shall be listed for two consecutive months then removed from the Chapter Job Center.
  • Posting of jobs shall be available to organizations of both members and non-members.
  • All posting shall not violate either the AFP Code of Ethical Standards or the AFP Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access Statement of Principles.
  • Postings should include the Organization Name, Mission Statement, Job Title, a brief synopsis of the job description (250 characters max), salary range or a link to the organization's website where job information may be found.
  • All job postings must include a salary range as required for our AFP Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access designation.
  • The Chapter Administrator is responsible for processing all job postings. If there's a question concerning a job post violating the Chapter Job Center Policy, the AFP NWA Executive Committee retains final authority of job posting approval.

Chapter Job Center Policy:

AFP Code of Ethical Standards
AFP Inclusion Diversity, Equity, Access (I.D.E.A.) Statement of Principles