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Member Spotlight - Rhonda Clay


After earning a degree in Radio/TV Production and Broadcast Journalism, Rhonda W. Clay successfully converted that training into employment as a radio and TV production professional in Chicago, the third largest market in the United States.  Two decades later, she was forced to make a difficult transition.

“In 2004, I was downsized out of my Communication position,” Rhonda said. “I saw and answered an ad for part-time public speaking and event planning with the United Way of Metro Chicago.  I soon found out that the public speaking and events were for fundraising.  After 11 months, a position for a full time Sr. Development Manager opened up, and... A Star Was Born!!”

This multimedia phenomenon turned phenomenal fundraiser currently serves as a media analyst for the Knoxville Utilities Board (KUB). She first joined AFP when she was working in development for the University of Tennessee. Her second fundraising career, which is now well into its second decade, also includes organizations like March of Dimes, HomeSource East Tennessee, and the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley.

“I have been working for the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley and helping to launch the "Behind the Blue Doors" tours and society” Clay said.  “The concept is that we bring people in for a one hour tour to engage them in the mission. We brought one donor in who had been giving without engagement for many years.”

That meaningful interaction led to the donor having a deeper understanding of the mission and a stronger commitment to support it. Similarly, Clay knows her evolving involvement with the Great Smoky Mountain Chapter of AFP has long-term benefits.

“I enjoy the networking aspect and being around people who are doing similar work,” Rhonda said. “The best thing I've gotten is encouragement to pursue my CFRE.”

Whether you have just transitioned into a career in fundraising or you are like Rhonda and have recently earned your CFRE, check out the chapter website for resources and consider attending our next social event so you can meet some of your colleagues. 

The Member Spotlight is a recurring segment and we are always looking for new members to highlight. If you are interested in participating or know someone we should interview, please let us know.
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