In case you needed another great reason to become a member of the AFP South Eastern Ontario Chapter, we have one for you! We are introducing a new lending library for all AFP SEO members. The library will consist of various literature related to fundraising. These books have been recommended by our faculty and speakers.
Whether you are preparing for your CFRE exam, exploring how to grow your not-for-profit, or just expanding your fundraising knowledge, our library is here to help. Just sign a book out for three weeks, then return it, and borrow another, free of charge!
Please contact our Chapter Administrator ( if you would like to sign out a book.
Currently, our titles include:
Title: Donor Centered Fundraising 2nd Edition: How to hold on to your donors and raise much more money
Author: Penelope Burk |
Title: Donor Centered Leadership: What it takes to build a high performance fundraising team
Author: Penelope Burk |
Title: Achieving Excellence in Fundraising 4th Edition
Authors: Eugene Tempel, Timothy Seiler and Dwight Burlingame |
Title: Nonprofit Fundraising Strategy: A guide to ethical decision making and regulation for non-profit organizations
Author: Janice Gow Pettey |
Title: Redefining Healthcare Philanthropy
Editor: Betsy Chapin Taylor |
Title: From the Ground Up: Digital Fundraising for Nonprofits
Author: Brock Warner, CFRE |
Title: People to People Fundraising | Social Networking & Web 2.0 for Charities
Authors: Ted Hart | James M. Greenfield | Sheeraz D. Haji |
Title: THe NSFRE Fundraising Dictionary
Author: National Society of Fund Raising Executives |