2024 Officers
Emily Mendez-Bryant, CAP, Tacoma Community College Foundation -
Emily has been a member of AFP since 2012 starting with the Aloha Chapter in Hawaii and now at South Sound. She attributes her breadth of fundraising knowledge stems from the incredible network of colleagues that AFP provides. I’m proud to be part AFP South Sound. The dedication of our members to lift up philanthropy in our communities is second-to-none. To our members – thank you! To interested members – please join us! You will love the camaraderie here.
Lee Warnecke, CFRE, Southern Poverty Law Center -
President-Elect, Programs Chair
Lee came to fundraising following time as an Americorps*VISTA and today serves as AFP South Sound Program Chair and President Elect. He credits his fundraising successes to mentorship and professional development. His service to the AFP South Sound board is done in appreciation for the incredible philanthropic community that exists in Washington’s South Sound region.
Mary Brickle, CFRE, MultiCare Health Systems, Mary Bridge Children’s Foundation -
Mary is an ardent supporter of the Tacoma nonprofit community, working and volunteering with a variety of organizations since moving to the region eight years ago. The connections and mentors she has met through AFP South Sound have been career game-changers and wonderful friends. "I definitely recommend getting involved with the chapter, whether you're new to the field or region, or just want to get to know your fellow fundraisers better!"
Jennie Griek, CAP®, CFRE, Pacific Lutheran University -
Secretary, Membership Co-Chair
Jennie has had the honor and privilege to work for Greentrike in a fundraising capacity since 2008, and credits much of her learning to the resources and network of development professionals AFPSS shares. "I joined AFPSS as a new Development Director in 2015 because of the stellar professional development AFPSS provides. I am happy to volunteer and grateful to learn alongside a community of development professionals."
Laura Rose, CAP®, CFRE, Washington STEM -
Past President
Laura discovered her passion for nonprofit work in 2002 and has worked in fundraising ever since. "I have learned so much personally and professionally from colleagues who have become friends. I am honored to serve AFPSS and be a member. I am excited by our chapter's goals for the future, and hope many more will join us!"
Jill Rose, CFRE, Amara, -
IDEA Chair
“AFP South Sound provides great networking and training opportunities for both new and seasoned fundraising professionals, so we can enhance our work and impact. I’m inspired by those doing this work, and enjoy working alongside other committed, passionate people who are taking action to elevate philanthropy and strengthen our community."
2024 Directors
Laura Badeaux, Alzhemier's Association - Marketing/Communications Co-Chair
Jesse Bohlin, RVC
Robin Callahan, The Callahan Collaborative - Summit Co-Chair
Missy Zenczak Candler, Greentrike
Emma Conway, MultiCare
Jennifer Li Dotson, FundRaise Up
Mike Goodell, United Way of Pierce County
Steve Saalfeld, CAP®, Greater Tacoma Community Foundation
Ruth Tollefson, CFRE, Amara
Teddy Wingo, ECOSS, - Membership Co-Chair