Thursday, November 14, 2024
Salvatore's Grand Bellamore Ballroom |
6461 Transit Rd, Depew 14043 |
Registration @ 11:30 am |
Lunch & Awards @ 12:00 noon |
National Philanthropy Day is a celebration of benevolent donations of time, talent and treasure. Nearly 500 guests from throughout the WNY community gather to acknowledges individuals and organizations whose or long-term achievements have made a significant impact on the WNY community. To purchase your tickets or table to our National Philanthropy Day Luncheon, Click Here.
Distinguished Honoree Program
Recognize those who have gone above and beyond for your organization with a heartfelt thank you by naming them a Distinguished Honoree. Your honoree may be an individual, couple, or an organization, and may be represented by an individual or group. This exclusive program is a unique membership benefit. Click here to learn more.
Event Sponsorship and Program Book
AFP-WNY wants to partner with like-minded businesses, organizations and other supporters to honor philanthropic acts of unbelievable character at our annual celebration of National Philanthropy Day. Show your support for those that change our community with a giving heart by becoming an event sponsor or purchasing space in the event program book. To learn more about sponsorships and program book advertisements, tickets, tables click here.