President: Gina Machado, Center for Human Services
President-Elect: Courtney Morse, Center for Human Services
Past-President: Arnold Chavez, Great Valley Museum & Planetarium
Secretary: Samantha Jones, Stanislaus Community Foundation
Treasurer: Bonnie Childers, Sierra Vista Child & Family Services
Membership: Kathy Hobby, Stanislaus Education Foundation
Asst. Membership: Susan Mendietta Beasley, Parent Resource Center
Education Co-Chair: Jessica Vaughan, CFRE, Second Harvest of The Greater Valley and Stanislaus
Education Co-Chair: Christina Gusman-Meyers, Boys & Girls Clubs of Stanislaus County
CFRE: Tammy Menezes, CFRE, Non Profit Engagement and Management Consultant
Ethics: Amber Flores, CFRE, University of the Pacific
IDEA: Deena Elliott, Elliott Community Celebration Fund
National Philanthropy Day Co-Chair: Amy Wolfe, Mujeres Poderosas
National Philanthropy Day Co-Chair: Michelle Jasper, LearningQuest - Stanislaus Literacy Centers
Chapter Administrator: Michele Proffitt, Mary Stuart Rogers Foundation
International Headquarters
4300 Wilson Blvd., Suite 300
Arlington, Virginia 22203
Phone (703) 684-0410
Fax (703) 684-0540
Toll Free U.S. & Canada: 800/666-3863
Mexico: 866/837-1948