Job Announcements
The Greater Atlanta Chapter offers two ways to announce open positions within your organization.
Chapter Meetings
Job announcements can be made during monthly chapter meetings. Register and pay the fee to participate in an upcoming meeting to get your position in front of others. Upcoming meetings can be found under the Events tab on the Greater Atlanta website. Those with open positions will have the opportunity to make their announcement at the beginning of the meeting either in-person or via the chat for virtual meetings.
Monthly E-Newsletter
The opportunity to post your open position in the AFP Greater Atlanta Chapter's monthly e-newsletter. Simply complete the Job Posting Form and email to Aubryn Shivers. Please include a PDF of the job description with your submission.
Forms must be submitted to Aubryn Shivers by COB on the first of the month to be included in that month's newsletter.
Newsletter Posting Cost
Members: $50
Non-Members: $75
Please reach out to Aubryn Shivers at ashivers@asginfo.net with questions.