AFP, GA Greater Atlanta Chapter: July 17, 2018 - Chapter Meeting

When:  Jul 17, 2018 from 08:00 AM to 09:00 AM (ET)
Associated with  AFP GA, Atlanta Chapter

Earning our Halos: Achieving Your Purpose through Ethical Behavior 

Dr. Edward L. Queen 
Director, D. Abbott Turner Program in Ethics and Servant Leadership 
Coordinator of Undergraduate Studies 
Emory University 

While those of us in the nonprofit sector consider ourselves to be doing the work of angels, far too often our halos are tarnished if not absent altogether. This presentation addresses ethics as an executive function and will offer specific steps to improve your ability to lead for ethical behavior and by doing so, demonstrate how a strong commitment to ethics will enhance your practice as a development professional. 

July 17, 2018
Chapter Meeting 

7:30 am - Breakfast / Registration / Networking 
8:00 am - Presentation 

The Cathedral of St. Philip 
Child Hall 
2744 Peachtree Road NW 
Atlanta, GA 30305

Meeting Costs 
Pre-Registered Member: $20
Pre-Registered Non-Member: $38
Day of Meeting Member: $25
Day of Meeting Non-Member: $40

Job Announcements 
Job announcements will be made prior to the meeting. 
Job announcers: Please plan to bring printed job descriptions with details and place them on the Job Postings table outside the meeting room. After the meeting, those interested will meet you at the table for more information. 

Pre-registration will close the day prior to the chapter meeting at 5:00 pm. Registration will be available onsite the morning of the meeting. 

View the presentation slides.

 View the video presentation.

Review AFP's Code of Ethics.


The Cathedral of the St. Philip - Child Hall
2733 Peachtree Road NW
Atlanta, GA 30305


Jenna Jones