I am so pleased to be serving as APF South Saskatchewan’s Chapter President for what is now my second term. The opportunity to work with and connect fundraising professionals in our community to the betterment of all those we serve is a great privilege, indeed.
Since 2019, I have served as the Senior Director of Development with YWCA Regina Inc. Before joining YWCA Regina, I was the Manager of Major Gifts at Habitat for Humanity Regina from 2015 to 2019. Being a champion for our community’s most urgent needs – and for the organizations working hard to address these needs is my greatest passion.
Community is at the heart of all we do as fundraisers, and this is why AFP is so integral in our work: From the global movement right down to our local chapters, the principles that guide us to do our work in best practice create a community of individuals who are passionately dedicated to working together for the very best outcomes possible for those we serve.
AFP works to advance the culture of philanthropy within organizations and empower fundraising professionals and organizations to practice ethical fundraising through education, networking, research, and advocacy. When we grow our membership and lend to this collective culture of philanthropy, we are not only empowering fundraisers – we are empowering entire communities.
It was the Ancient Greek playwright, Aeschylus, who coined the term ‘philanthropy’ meaning simply, “love of humanity.” I believe that is why all members of AFP do what we do. And while famous philanthropists donating billions of dollars are what comes to mind, every single one of us who carry this ‘love of humanity’ in our hearts is a philanthropist. Every contribution, every volunteer, every organization doing meaningful work is practicing the core tenants of philanthropy.
When each one of us does our small part in our small place to make things better, the collective result is anything but small – the global network of philanthropy that AFP fosters does big things: AFP’s individual and organizational members raise over $100 Billion annually, which is equivalent to one third of all charitable giving in North America.
Our greatest hope is that, in the every day actions we take as fundraisers and members, that we can continue to grow this community of care, collectively, strongly, and for the love of humanity.
Chelsey Lemke, CFRE
APF South Saskatchewan President
Senior Director of Development, YWCA Regina