Invest in yourself! As a member of AFP South Saskatchewan Chapter, you are eligible to receive scholarships and awards to assist in your professional development, to enhance your fundraising skills, and to serve your organization with increased commitment to our profession.
AFP Membership Scholarships
AFP South Saskatchewan understands the economic challenges that current and prospective members face. Budgets are tight, prices are rising, and finding the resources to join professional associations can be a challenge.
Our chapter is pleased to announce that we are offering membership scholarships which will cover the full cost of membership, including chapter fees, in any membership category for one year.
To apply, please send an email to with the following information:
Email address
A brief description of why this offer will be of assistance to you (100-200 words)
Questions? contact us at
AFP South Saskatchewan
Internal Education Scholarship
This Internal Education Scholarship program is open to individuals who face financial barriers to education. The scholarship aims to make AFP South Saskatchewan's Educational Sessions more accessible. A limited amount of scholarships will be available. Successful applicants will be notified by email. All applications and eligible persons are kept confidential.
- Scholarship Value: N/A Covers cost of registration
- Applications accepted throughout the year. Please note that there may be an application deadline
Click here to download the AFP South Saskatchewan Internal Education Scholarship application.
AFP South Saskatchewan
Professional Development Scholarship
This Professional Development Scholarship program is open to AFP members only. The purpose of this scholarship is to promote and enhance member’s professional development in southern Saskatchewan, our service area. The program helps offset the cost associated with attending AFP local and national conferences and/or self-selected educational opportunities.
- Scholarship Value: up to a maximum of $3,500 to cover conference registration, accommodations and travel expenses (meals not included).
- Applications accepted throughout the year.
Click here to download the AFP South Saskatchewan Professional Development Scholarship application.
AFP Foundation for Philanthropy Canada
National Scholarship Program
The National Scholarship Program aims to assist individuals employed in the fundraising and not-for profit sectors in attending educational events in order to develop and improve their knowledge and skills. Scholarships up to a value of $1,000 will be awarded to successful applicants to cover registration, travel and/or tuition fees.
- Scholarship Value: up to $1000 will be awarded to successful applicants to cover registration, travel and/or tuition fees.
- Deadline for applications: March 15, 2025
Learn more and apply today!
AFP Foundation for Philanthropy Canada Chamberlain Scholarship & AFP South Saskatchewan Scholarship
The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy is proud to offer the Chamberlain Scholarship Program for the AFP International Conference on Fundraising. This program is designed to help individuals serving non-profit organizations develop their knowledge and skills in fundraising. In addition to the Chamberlain Scholarship, AFP South Saskatchewan will award an additional scholarship to provide assistance in defraying expenses not covered in the Chamberlain Scholarship. The conference takes place in Seattle April 27-29, 2025.
- Application Deadline: January 31, 2025
- Scholarship Value: $1000.00 + the Chamberlain Scholarship (full registration fee minus processing fee)
- Number Available: One
This scholarship is named in honour of Ralph E. Chamberlain; learn more about him here.
2025 Chamberlain Scholarship Opens October 1, 2024
Click Here to Download the Chamberlain Application Form