Coffee Chat


Coffee Chat is a gathering for non-profit development professionals. Anyone with fundraising duties in their job description

- or interest in breaking into the field of nonprofit fundraising-- is welcome!

Join us for an organic conversation about fundraising best practices.  Development professionals can share what is on their mind

and get input from the group on current roadblocks or struggles.

Coffee Chat is FREE to attend. You don’t have to register or be a member of AFP.  Just bring a notebook and a willingness

to chat about fundraising and join the discussion!  

*** Beginning July 9th, Coffee Chat has moved to the 2nd TUESDAY of each month. ***

8:00 - 8:30: Get your coffee, a snack, and chat with others
8:30 - 9:30: Group meeting and discussion
9:30 - 10:00 Networking time

Coffee Chat's new location:

DIRT Coffee at Mosaic Community Campus
1785 Quebec St.
Denver, CO 80220

View Parking Map



8:00 - 8:30: Get your coffee, a snack, and chat with others  

8:30 - 9:30: Group meeting and discussion

9:30 - 10:00: Networking time


DIRT Coffee at Mosaic Community Campus
1785 Quebec St.
Denver, CO 80220


Presenting Sponsor: Available


Mark Your Calendar for 2024 Coffee Chat Dates

January 18th**

ReFUND CO Discussion

**Special Date - Mark Your Calendars

To learn more about this program, click here.
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February 8th

Planning for Successful Events


Kenton Kuhn, Spotlight Colorado

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March 14th

Due to Inclement weather this Coffee Chat has benn cancelled

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April 11th

How Fundraising Professionals Can Increase Diversity in the Profession
Sponsored by:
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May 9th
Measuring & Communicating Impact
Linda Hli Xiong, Rocky Mountain MicroFinance Institute
Sponsored by:
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Open Conversation About Fundraising Best Practices
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Tuesday July 9th**
Major Gifts Discussion

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Tuesday, August 13th

Activating Generosity


Howie Hutchinson

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Tuesday, September 10th


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Tuesday, October 8th


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Tuesday, November 12th


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Tuesday, December 10th

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2023 Coffee Chat Dates and Topics

January 12 - Starting the Year Strong
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February 9 - Program Evaluation Support of Fund Raising
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March 9 - Conversations with Donors About Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Work
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April 13 - Building Your Career Toward Your Dream Job
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May 11th - Board Development
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June 8th - How Colorado Gives Maximizes Your Fundraising
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July 13 - Donor Stewardship - Three Perspectives
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August 10 - Overhead: Not Just The Hidden Slice Of The Budget Pie
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September 14 - Confessions of A Former Corporate Counselor
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October 12 - Creating Employee Retention Through A Culture of Compassion and Accountability
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November 9 - Open Conversation About Fundraising Best Practices
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December 14 - Open Conversation About Fundraising Best Practices
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Come back for future topics-- this page will be updated before the next Coffee Chat!