A Unique Professional Association In Hawaii Since 1983
AFP members are deeply committed to the field of fundraising. Members renew an annual pledge to abide (and to ensure to the best of their ability that all members of their staff abide) by the AFP Code of Ethical Principles & Standards. Aloha Chapter members foster the development and growth of fundraisers to benefit all aspects of society in Hawaii.
In addition, the Aloha Chapter advances philanthropy through engaging people and organizations to practice ethical and effective fundraising with our special spirit of aloha. Members are challenged to consider striving for a professional credential, whether the Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE) or other advanced degree.
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The decision you make to join AFP will have more influence on your organization’s fundraising success than anything the economy might do. Consider membership and join the network that is advancing philanthropy through ethical and effective fundraising practices in Hawaii today!
Our Monthly Member Profile: Heather George
Our last member profile for 2023 features member Heather George. Heather is a longtime Aloha Chapter member (she joined in 2009) and is one of our members from the island of Kauai. Always willing to lend a hand, Heather was one of our NPD conference room hosts. We thank Heather for taking the time to share a little about herself.

Heather George
Director of Philanthropy
National Tropical Botanical Garden (NTBG)
How long have you been at your current organization?
I’ve been with NTBG since March 2019. It was a challenging time going through the pandemic, but we are fortunate to have emerged in a good place financially with our dedicated donor base, both here in Hawaii and on the mainland. I am so lucky to work with a wonderful team of enthusiastic staff and volunteers at our headquarters on Kauai.
What encouraged you to join AFP?
I wanted to join the Aloha Chapter when I started at NTBG to connect with other fundraisers in this state. Since moving here nine years ago from California, I am always interested in meeting others in this profession - there are not many of us on Kauai and there is always something new to learn!
What led you to choose the field you work in?
It was somewhat accidental, but it worked out well. I first started volunteering with an environmental organization (now called Los Angeles Waterkeeper) that I became passionate about in 2001, and realized my skill set and experience could benefit them. I was very excited when NTBG hired me, and basically learned most aspects of fundraising on the job, as well as taking various trainings by AFP and others over the years.
What interests you the most about the work your organization does?
I have learned so much about the important and varied roles that plants play in tropical ecosystems, and their cultural importance and uses, especially here in Hawaii. Most of my own environmental interests, and past organizations, have been ocean/water focused, so this job has given me an entirely new and fascinating area to learn about, and it is so fun to share with our donors!
Do you volunteer for other organizations/groups?
I volunteer with Surfrider Foundation, Kauai chapter, doing water quality testing every month at two sites near where I live on the South Shore. I previously served on their Executive Committee, which is a very active group of committed environmental leaders.
What is your favorite pastime/hobby?
Ocean swimming is my biggest passion and I usually get to do it a few days a week. I also love scuba diving, hiking, and reading novels. I’m also just starting to take up golf, and looking forward another way to spend time outdoors in this beautiful state!
Share a tip on what gets you through your day.
I have discovered that meditation and exercise first thing in the morning always sets my mind up positively for whatever the rest of the busy day will bring. I try to do both most days of the week.
Do you want to volunteer for a future AFP Aloha Chapter member profile? We’d love to share your story in an upcoming e-newsletter! If you are interested, please email, Chapter Admin at admin@afphawaii.org.